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From the very first day

Charming, handsome, vivavious

The life of my spirit

Friendly and gracious

Accepting of flaws

Humor to share

Conscious of all

Sauntering everywhere

A lasting pattern evolved

With these exhibited traits

Only to vanish

Without obvious trace

The force of events

Proved too strong to resist

The former persona

Disappeared in a mist

In a single moment

The prince of all light

Became a creature of darkness

A being without fight

Lacking the will to look the best

Lost the characteristic of “impeccably dressed”

Posture was slumped

Movement was pained

My worry increased

With each day gained

Smiling expressions

Full sounding laughs

Sadly enough

Mere daydreams of past

 Contented and wiser

True nature returned

Ascended from darkness

Many life lessons learned

A bright future lies

In wait for the strong

Passed the testing of spirit

Earned the right to great song