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point of origin

“We can stop our desperate clinging to hollow life-substitutes and set ourselves free.”- The Tao of Pooh

Most people keep themselves locked in lives they don’t love with things they don’t care about. They’re stuck in dead-end jobs and hopeless, lifeless relationships. The majority of us aren’t really happy. The key is to get out of the place you know best, throw away the ties that bind us and do whatever it is that makes us happy. Deep down, we know what it is that will make us happy, make us whole. The tragedy would lie in if we held it inside and never shared it, if I sat quiet and desperate to free this voice. This is why now I must speak.

I have created this page in completion of my Exhibiton of Mastery. It contains original poetry written by myself over the last year. I hope for this to continue to be a work in progress. This is a leap of faith. So here you are. Read on.

Point of Origin
Step Aside
Light The Fire
Walking to Zion
Passing By
Let Go
The Last Time