As soon as the flame touches it; the room fills full of smoke. It was hypnotic. Like a cloud of relaxation, filling his lungs to the brim; almost putting his mind in a haze within the first drag. You couldn’t find anything like this anywhere ells but in Miami. Perhaps that is why he hung around there? The palm trees…..the warm “forever summer” breeze that crept through his beach house every evening…..or maybe it was the simple joys of twisting up a zigzag full of some of Miami’s “best kept secret” …whatever the reason, this place was home.

Oh yes, Miami…there was nothing better than it, as far as he was concerned. Sitting back in his hot tub, bubbles engulfing him from the waist down as only the setting sun is around to keep him company. Making sure to keep his arms above water, he brings the “joint” to his lips again, taking another big drag as the end starts to cherry brightly. His cheeks start to turn a faint shade of red; holding the intoxicating smoke deep within his lungs. After only a few moments he exhales again; sending another inebriating cloud off into the sky as a cocky smile crosses his face.

But his peace can only last for so long. Along the edge of the tub, his cell phone starts to ring. “ God damn it. Dis’ better be important, man’g” he mumbles to himself, reaching over to answer the now ever-growing, annoying phone. “ Heyyo, chu’ got me” …that is about the best greeting they could expect to get from him at this point in time. This was his day off, after all. Running the streets of Miami the way that he does, a man could get lost within the business. You must know when to step back and take some personal time to collect yourself. Because on the streets, just like in the ring, it is about staying sharp. And none, in either scenario, where as sharp as “Razor”.

He didn’t have to hear his voice and he knew who it was. That son of a bitch, Rico. He had been ducking his phone call for weeks now. The fool; thinking he was going to just walk away with Scott’s investment. It was a rookie mistake on his part. He never should of trusted Rico with that kind of money. Oh well. There is no turning back now. The question wasn’t “why” but “how”. How are they going to resolve this issue? As the smirk starts to fall from Hall’s lips, it would seem that he had thought up a “resolution…..

'The Latin Loser' Rico: Scotty, I swear brotha’, I was gonna call. I’z juss’….

the sound of his voice only seemed to irritate him. Hall quickly interrupts the man’s stuttering excuses; cold and heartless as all his business transactions are.

'Da' Bad Guy' Scott Hall: Save it, man’g! Chu’ messed around with ma’ money, Chico. Chu’ might as well been messin’ around with my emotions. Das’ something’ chu’ juss’ don’t do. I’ve put men in their coffins for doin’ me wrong; why should chu’ be any different? Huh!? Chu’ think dis’ is some kind of game? Is dat’ it? Dis’ is pretty fuckin’ funny, aint it. I bet chu’ even laughin’ right now. But I’ll tell chu’ dis, man’g. You won’t be laughin’ for long…..

…there was an eerie silence on the other end of the phone. Scott’s words were as serious as the retaliation he sought after. Rico must think on his feet, if he hopes to save himself. Drawing in a deep breath, the young man starts to speak again…..

'The Latin Loser' Rico: Hey man, just give me a few more days. Das’ it. I swear man, I’ll come through for you on this. I’m ya’ boy, you can trust me…..

Hall chuckles a little to himself. “Trust him”? Yeah, that will happen. Right after hell freezes over. Scott quickly responds to the mans pleading. This needed to be dealt with and quick, before any wondering ears possibly stumble over the conversation.

'Da' Bad Guy' Scott Hall: Chu’ listen to me, holms. I’ll give chu’ one day. Not one month. Not one week. Juss’ one day. Das’ it. And if chu’ aint got my money, or my two “keys” I swear to da’ lord above dat’ I’ll cut ya’ head off ya’ and send it home to ya wife and kids. I’ll….

suddenly the backdoor of his home opens….

'Da' Bad Guy' Scott Hall: Chu’ got twenty-four hours…I’ll see ya’ den’.

Instinctively Hall hangs up the phone; not sure who the visitor might be. But as soon as his eyes caught a glimpse of the massive shadow that cast above him, he had little question who it could of been. Hall leans back a little and sinks a bit deeper into his tub as he takes a long drag off of his personal narcotics.

Every step Nash took seemed to echo with authority as he approached the hot tub. He is dressed in a silk black shirt and a pair of tattered jeans that gave him the appearance of a man who only half ass cared how he looked. His long hair was hanging like curtains around his face and he had a mischievous smirk on his face the moment his eyes find 'Razor' chilling in the tub. He had to look over a pair of sunglasses to make eye contact with his pal Hall, but the smile on his face said he knew something Scott didn't. But at his own leisure Kevin approaches the side of the tub as he speaks.

'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash: Did I interrupt something? Sounded like I did...

Big Kev' teases, but Scott just rolls his eyes and takes another hit of his 'joint'. Clearly he didn't think it all was as amusing as Nash did.

'Da' Bad Guy' Scott Hall: Whateva'... I'll make it all work. It's juss' a little bid'ness problem.

Nash nods a little in agreement.

'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash: I got all the faith in the world in you, buddy. You know that. But as your friend I gotta' admit... I'm a little worried about you. This hustle you're on, it can't be a good thing. And lets face it, I'd be willing to bet my left nut that it probably isn't legal, either. Am I right?

This time it's Scott's turn to smile devilishly.

'Da' Bad Guy' Scott Hall: Sense when do we eva' follow da' rules?...Anywhere? I don't think so, man'g. We've always juss' did what we want ta' do- or has 'Big Daddy Cool' lost his nerve?

Scott had expected Kev to be bothered by his snide remarks, but it only seemed to fuel the fire in his eyes; like he actually enjoyed hearing Hall call him out. Like it was confirming something even Scott wasn't aware of.

'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash: EXACTLY! We make our own rules. If you ask me, seems like a whole lot of people have forgotten that. They have come spewing through the cracks in the walls in our absence. The whole lot of 'em, nothing but a pack of leeches trying to steal our thunder and put us in the old folks home. It makes me sick to my stomach.

Nash says this with a hint of disgust; but Scott still wasn't catching on. Nash, shrugging at Scott's confusion, takes the joint from him and takes a drag himself. He coughs a bit and blows a cloud of smoke into the room, fogging the place up a little more before he speaks again.

'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash: When's the last time you turned on the old 'boob-tube' and seen what has been going sense WCW went belly up? Hell, sense we ourselves took off? God, Scott; if you could just see the garbage they got lined up for this 'next generation'. If they let these kids go on... who knows what kind of damage they could do to the sport in the future. They could take something that WE made and turn it to complete and utter bullshit.

The conviction rings in Nash's voice as he takes another hit and hands the drug back to Scott. Hall doesn't speak right away. His eyes linger on the remains of his burning roach for a second or so before he tosses it off to the side without any concern. His mind was flooded with all Kevin had to say. But he still couldn't see how any of it applied to them now, in their current situations.

'Da' Bad Guy' Scott Hall: Yeah, yeah, yeah... they are trash; but so what? Not like we can do nothin' 'bout it, man'g. Not sayin' I wouldn't like ta' bust a few skulls and get a REAL paycheck for it, but lets real- it juss' aint gonna' happen like dat' anymore.

Hall was starting to sound as bitter with things as Nash had been. But to Scott's surprise; Kevin actually cracks a smile again.

'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash: Oh, is that what's up? Because I can stand here and honestly say that Big Sexy is a long way away from being washed up. I got things to say... things to do. And this new age, well they really need the schoolin' that I have to give out. But I can't do it alone, I need someone who is just as hungry as I am. Someone I can trust. Someone with slick ass hair and toothpicks to spare... someone who could use a real job instead of threatening gang bangers for his money. Know anyone like that?

The question sounded sarcastic and made Scott grit his teeth in frustration; but even he couldn't pretend he wasn't curious. And he could use some cash in his pocket where he could prove how he had earned it. But more than that, it was that hunger Nash had mentioned. He could feel it in his bones, he had something left to prove. To who? He wasn't sure. But what he did know is that wrestling meant as much to him as Miami does, and if Kev had a way to get both of their feet in the door again...

'Da' Bad Guy' Scott Hall: I'm listin, so if ya' gots somethin' ta' say- spit it out, Big Man'g.

That was as close to 'you're right' that Nash would get from Hall, but seeing they were best friends, that was close enough. Straightening up, Kev reaches to his back pocket and pulls out several white pages of paper folded in half. From behind his sunglasses, Kev keeps his eyes on his pal Scott as he unfolds them and holds them up to his stubbly face.

Scott was tempted to reach up and take the papers from him, but didn't want to risk fucking them up with the moisture from the tub. So instead he just cocks his head to the side and give it a good look over. Right away the WWE logo at the top of the paper catches his eye. Nash only seems to smile wider as he watches Hall's eyes go down the page. After a long pause, Scott finally finishes and looks back at Kev.

'Da' Bad Guy' Scott Hall: Dis' shit for real?

Kev nods.

'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash: Oh yeah, it's the real deal. A contract for you and me to come back to that ole' Vinny Mac house of horrors. Only this time it will be Heyman and Eric calling the shots, so that has to count for something. But the real question is do you feel up to it? If you agree to do this with me one more time, there will be no turning back. We're either in this bitch all the way... or not at all.

Scott scratched his chin and gave it a little thought. But only a little, he seemed to know the answer before Kev had even asked for it.

'Da' Bad Guy' Scott Hall: Aight, lets do dis'. Lets take a trip ova' ta' RAW and thank our boy Easy'E in person. I'm sure he's gonna' exspect a little somethin' in return for pullin' this favor for us

To the surprise of Hall, Nash shakes his head again.

'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash: I doubt it, I forgot to show you the weirdest part of the contract.

Nash flips to the back page of the contract where the management signature is. Scott had to look twice to make sure he had seen it correctly.

'Da' Bad Guy' Scott Hall: McMahon... Steph McMahon? Damn.

Nash nods in agreement.

'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash: I know, caught me off guard too. Maybe this means we owe Hunter that favor instead of Bischoff.

Scott shrugs again.

'Da' Bad Guy' Scott Hall: Screw it, Chico. Lets juss' get ta' RAW and we'll figure out da' rest of da' details later.

Nash grins and smirks and folds the contract in half. Tucking it in his back pocket again, he offers Scott a hand and practically jerks him up out of the tub. A soggy looking 'Razor' can't help but smile now too as both he and Nash head in the direction of the other room- clearly eager to plan this invasion back into wrestling as the scene fades to black on The Outsiders.
