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Kendra Finnan's Homepage

Welcome to Me

Kendra on her wedding day

Who am I?

I was just Kendra Clare Margaret Mary Willie but now since adding Finnan to the mix I'm starting to be a whole new me and it's time for a redefinition...

I love me life right now. Absolutely happy with all I can be. Little stresses are less annoying than ever and I feel as though I always have something to look forward to while being satisfied with the moment.

It's been a big couple of years - joined a church, went to Europe, got permanent status at my job (I'm a Civilian Document Control Officer with the Department of National Defence), bought a house, got married on the Tall Ship Silva, went to Newfoundland....

Still sometimes I think the best part is our spot in the suburbs of Halifax.  Dinner parties are the most fun and it is so wonderful having friends around.  My little garden out back is surviving and the neighbours always say hello when they see you hanging your clothes on the line or picking up the mail.  I often joke that you could give me a pretty housedress and I would fit happily in as a 50s housewife.  Don't get me wrong, I love to work and I am not submissive - just enjoy the simpler things like a warm kitchen with the smell of dinner and Harry Connick Junior's "Only You" CD playing in the background.

So what now?  For a while every time I ticked something off my life's To Do list I got a little sad about running past life's great markers.  But nope, owning a house always fills you with neat project ideas, I still have to go to Florida sometime to see manatees and we are definitely going to Ireland as soon as we can so we can experience our heritage. In the mean time the antique Underwood Typewriter in our living room keeps calling to me so I will soon get back into writing (I'm even starting to be okay with the fact that I'm not a journalist after all).  Then of course the fact that we are a military family (my husband Josh is an ATIS Tech in the Canadian Forces) means nothing is ever long term. 

That's it in a nutshell for now.  My interests are wide-ranging, my volunteer work tends toward web designer and my friends and family are the world to me.  So much more to come as I continue to experience life.

So this is where I am coming from, this is what brought me to me...

My Home Town:  Sussex, New Brunswick.

My First High School:  Central Huron Secondary School - Clinton, Ontario

High School Graduated From:  Sussex Regional High School - Sussex, New Brunswick

My Undergrad University:  St. Thomas University - Fredericton, New Brunswick

My Grad School:  University of Western Ontario - London, Ontario

Where I live:  Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

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