I'm glad you stopped by Rays of Hope! My desire is that you will find inspiration here. Please make yourself at home...


Thank you for visiting my webpage.
I hope you'll find things here to both inspire you and make you laugh. I want to share with everyone, the love and joy that Christ brings into my life. I'll be posting things that I feel share a glimpse of the light, joy and happiness that the love of God brings into this world. There will be some things that will bring a smile to your heart and others to honor our Beautiful USA and the people that are dedicating their lives to provide our Freedom. Then there will be a few things that represent my convictions and I feel the duty to post in order to spread the news and share the truth in hopes that others will seek enlightenment as well.
Above all I wish to leave you with the feeling that you are loved and the belief that there is hope.

Please come back to visit often and see what's new!

To My Husband Find Your Wings A Miracle Healing
No Regrets Sunrise Happiness You are My Sunshines

All God's Creatures

Angels Among Us

Answered Prayer

Are We Like Horses?

The Awakening...

Be the Butterfly

Before I Was A Mom

Blessing of the Thorns

Butterfly Lessons

Buzzard, Bat & Bumblebee

The Child Within

A Christmas Story

A Close Look @ The 23rd Psalm

The Cookie Story


Daffodil Principle

Delta 15 on 9/11

Design of The Rose

Destination Heaven

A Different Christmas Poem

Did God Create Everything?

Discovering Santa

Dog Wisdom

A Donkey Teaches a Lesson

Don't Stop-Keep Playing

Dream Run

The Duck & The Devil

Easter Eggs

Echoes & Reflections

Emergency Numbers

An Empty Chair

Five Finger Prayer

Friends Forever

For the Children

God Lives Under the Bed

Goodbye Kisses


God's Power in Action

God Whispers

God Will Not Be Mocked

The Hand

Hand of Hope


Heaven & Hell

Heavenly Showers

An Honest Prayer

The Ice Cream Prayer

   Irish Blessings

I Learned to Love My Life

Information Please

Innocent Blood      

Invisible Parents

I Said I Hurt

I've Seen the Angels Cry

Keep Your Fork

Keys To Love

Love Explained By Children

Lucky's Love

Man's Best Friend

Mayonnaise Jar & Coffee

The Mousetrap

Nails In A Fence

NASA and the Bible

The Old Barn

The Old Fisherman

One Eye Closed

One Minute In Prayer

One Nation Under God

The Pastor's Cat

Please Do It Again Lord

The Pretty One

The Price of a Child

Puppy Size?

The Quilt

Remember Well


The Road of Life

Santa's Instrumental in a Miracle

See the Glory of God in All Things

See Me?

Seven Wonders of the World

Slow Down

The Son's Friend

Soul of a Child

Stepping Stones

Teacher's Pet

Tell Them You Care

   That's God

Think About It

Thoughtful Conclusions

A Thousand Marbles

The Ticket

A Tiny Foot

   To Realize....

To Tell The Truth

Twenty-Four and One

Two Choices

Unconditional Love

An Unexpected Lesson

The Value of a Penny

Walk The Walk

Want A Donut?

The Washington Monument

What is the Weight of a Prayer?

What I Believe

What's Wrong with This?

When I Get Where I'm Goin'

Where God Wants Me

Who'll Take The Son?

Who's Your Daddy?

Workplace Prayer

Worth Doing Now

The Yellow Shirt

You Say-God Says

Your Garden

Your Nature

Your Value

This collection is a variety saved from email received over several years in addition to things I wrote myself and some songs that have special meaning. I signed the ones that I wrote, identified authors whenever possible and the rest are considered public domain and are therefore noted as "author unknown." If you are by chance aware of the source of one of those items, please email me to provide that information so that the proper credit can be posted.
You're assistance will be greatly appreciated.

I would also request that if you send me an email you include "Rays of Hope" in the subject line so that I will know it is not a spam message and be able to properly identify it. Thank you!



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Rays of Hope @ Care 2
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