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Jessica's Site for Poems and Other Crap!

.: Quick News :. - New Link of the funniest joke I've ever read, go to "Links" section, then "funniest joke" to read it!

Useless Fact/Information Of The Moment: Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the US Treasury.

Hey everybody, this is my webpage for ...whatever, mostly poems and quotes and crap though. I know it's lame, but tell your friends to come so my little hit counter thing at the bottom goes up so I can think people actually like my page. If you have any questions or comments or bad things to say about my page you can e-mail me (see my e-mail addresses below) and tell me, I will read and respond to every e-mail, so please help me improve my website, thanks.

Also! If you have any quotes you would like me to put on my quotes section e-mail me at or Include your name if you would like me to attach it to the quote so everyone can know you sent it. Or if you're a poem writer, you could send me your poems if you would like me to put them on my page also. I have created a section for poems sent in, or found by me. Include your name so I can attach it to the poem. I WILL NOT take credit for any of the poems anyone sends in, if your name is not attached to the poem I will sign it Anonymous. Thanks for coming to my site!

These are the links to my pages... I hope they work, if not it's because of me. I'm only 13, give me a break.

I need to give some shout outs. This is for everyone close to me and anyone who helped me on this page.

Hey all, thank you again, if I even did thank you before, for checkin' out my page, and wasting time out of your day to read my crap. I promise I will have more poems up as soon as I write some more, or finally decide some of the ones I have already wrote are OK enough to put on here, and I'll put more quotes up as I run across some that I find funny. Come back soon, make my hit counter go up!