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Theres somedays where you feel nothing,
The birds don't sing,
The squirrels don't chitter,
And you're just so cold inside the -20 degree weather doesn't effect you,
You walk down a path,
People bumping and jostling you,
But you never notice,
You zombie out into the ice,
You don't feel anything and not feeling anything is the greatest thing you can feel,
My wrist looks so appetizing,
Memories of us flash before me and tears roll unchecked down my cheeks,
Mixes with the blood and falls to the floor,
Nothing new I shed the blood and the tears,
While you smile blissfully,
I wish it would just end,
Please oh please kill me now,
I walk past you and him,
Another cut,
Not enough pain because I can still see you,
I'm on my knees knife to skin,
Hope it will end soon,
Because the pain is so unbearable and I can't stand up.

-Jason Robtoy-