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We Used To Have So Much Together, But…

By Chiaki Ishikawa

We used to have so much together,
But the dusk is already a different shade.

You used to always hold me gently, now,
you only push me away.
Your coldly cast away heart is
wandering aimlessly.

If you say such mischief exists,
it's strange to close your eyes
beneath the wintry sky.

We used to have so much together, but
I can't get by on just one word.
Quickly leave, now is the time.

We used to have so much together,
But the dusk is already a different shade.
At least I can sleep quietly in the moonlight.

We used to have so much together, but
how can this irregular couple
make it in such a place?

We used to have so much together, but
when we started to meet something was revealed
in your mysterious, dark secrets,
Suspended in the deepest confusion.

Where is your heart?
Where is it floating?
It's as if those eyes
are misleading.

We used to have so much together, but
I can't get by on just one word.
Your passion began to flow.

If the moon and my fate were to pass away,
wouldn't I surely be sad and lonesome?
How many times did you not want to hold me?
My powerless words can pass the weary night.