Without Faith, it is impossible to please God…

Hebrews 11:6

Jahzara Iman

In My Own Wordz

Jahzara Iman`s Profile
Age: 23



Memphis, TN


What`s crackin BP!?! I`m Jahzara from Memphis,TN. Thanks for hittin` me up. I am currently a senior studying Psychology with a minor in Elementary Education. I am not enrolled this semester because I need to make some money. Tuition goes up like 15% every year. I am a member of The New Olivet Baptist Church under the anointed pastor Dr. Kenneth T. Whalum Jr., here in Memphis, TN. I am not in the choir or anything. I thought about it, but I don’t wanna mess the other alto`s off by singing off key. You feel me, right!?! I am currently single with NO kids. I do have two little brothers that be all up in my grill. Anyways, I hope you enjoy your visit and I hope you learn a little bit about your hostess. If you wanna know more, spend some time with me. God Bless, and please, take 2 min to sign my guestbook and I promise to return the favor. Stay Up.

I don't like to go clubbin. I mostly chill out with friends or when I`m alone I read, talk with friends, go to my favorite spot, treat myself special every once in a while. My favorite thing to do is learn something new everyday. I love to teach, explain new ideas and be creative. I also enjoy, webpage development, listening to music (especially Aaliyah, Kirk Franklin, Playa Fly, Earth Wind and Fire, and Fred Hammond), researching various topics, being involved in different organizations on campus, going to the movies, lasertagging, bowling, shooting pool, playing dominoes, and meeting new people. In essence, I`m a really cool sista that likes to have fun, very friendly, and easy going.

Right now, I feel kinda The current mood of Jahzara at www.imood.com

Now Playing on Jahzara's Set

My Love Is Like Whoa!
Mya - My Love is Like Whoa
ThE LyRiCs







J - Judge me, O LORD, for I have walked in mine integrity. (Psalm 26:1)

A - All nations compassed me about: but in the name of the LORD, I will destroy them (Psalms 118:11)

H - His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the gen. of the upright shall be blessed (Psalm 112:2)

Z - Zion heard, and was glad. (Psalm 97:8)

A - And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water... (Psalm 1:3)

R - Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him (Psalm 37:7)

A - Arise, O LORD, save me O my God: (Psalm 3:7)

Take Time To Worship

Forgetting those things which are behind, and
reaching forth unto those things which are before,
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:13-14




Shout out to my peeps,
I love all of you.

Much love to my friend and brother Jesus. Thanks for always looking out for me and being so very patient. You know how I can be! I love you. My patna L, (Larry) my best friend and brother. I love you. Do what you do and I`m gonna continue to support you one million percent. My best friend Loni, who just finished her first year at Law School in Boston. Much love! My patna Courtney working hard in Knoxvegas, Tennessee. Tell your daddy I need an axel for my chevy :) smile :) Mad love to Troy who accepted his calling in the ministry of Jesus the Christ. I love you. Last but not least, my boy Junior in Trill-ville holdin it down in grad school at TSU. You know you need to call me. Moma I Love you. Jas, I'm glad you found what you were looking for. To all my other peeps round and bout, stay up. I`m Out.

To All The HatazTo All The Hataz
Please, keep doing what you do.

You are only doing what your father taught you.

Besides, you gotta hate somebody, so why not me!?!

John 8:41-45
"You are doing the things your own father does.

If God were your Father, you would love me, [but]

You belong to your father, the devil,

and you want to carry out your father`s desire."Stay Up

~*~My Own Wordz~*~

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