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My Poetry

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WebTech University This WebTech University site
owned by My Poetry
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Thank you for visiting my pages. I hope you will soon enjoy some of my original poems I will be adding. They are my own original work. Some recent; Others are written since I was very young.

I would like to thank those at WebTech University for teaching me what I know thus far. I wouldn't know most of what I know, without their helpful instructors, and interesting classes. If you know little or nothing at all about HTML, but would like to...go and register to take their classes now. You will be surprised at how easy HTML really is. For those people who want to know how to create their own graphics, and their own web designs etc. They teach PSP classes as well. So why not try them out!? It is fun and very addictive.

Now about the links below. My forms Homework Page is simply that, my homework. It is a complete survey form I learned to make at WebTechU. You may visit this page, and feel free to try out the form. I am curious as to what you think about it, although you may think, "Weird!" just a trife.

My First Homework Page was done taking the first class at WebTechU, HTML 101.
The Awards page is also another result of a course I took, "The tables classes". You will see the matted (nested) tables, and my Diploma's and Certificates of completion. And my instructor's names are also noted in the captions.

Have fun browsing my pages a.k.a work pages. I will be changing things a little later on as I learn more, and things are bound to get a little more of a face change as well. Especially after I finish my courses.

You may email me if you wish at anytime, and I will be glad to help with whatever you need. My email is located at the end of this page.

This background created by:
Copyright ©2003 J.A.P.
Using PSP
Beautiful Garden Divider created by my good friend:
Copyright ©2002 Fireball
All Rights Reserved

Please ask for written permission
to use anything for your site, I have here.
Thank You

Links I Recommend

My Forms Homework page
Us Friendly Musk'a'Tears & PSP
Lady Coqui's Gallery
My Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas
My First Homework Page for HTML 101
How Two Make Dolls
