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Yesh we're officially back on the air and with a whole new formate for 03 - 04. Thats right no more pictures and silly "shout outs" now i'm gonna just give you exactly what it is you've always been wanting. What? you say? You're posting a collection of French poems by a dead guy??? NOOO!!!!! NOO!!! Way better than that.

I fully intend to try to keep this thing updated rather regularly with things which may or may not be happening (depending entirely upon the level of boredom for a week) in my life.

All of those of you who subscribe to the philosophy of "I don't care" please feel free to leave now.

Oct 22, 2003
Day one, what to say well i guess officially that was yesterday since its now 12:46 at night on the 23rd but i'm too lazy to go back and care. Anyways, I have finally seen Kill Bill And needless to say I have never seen so many people lacking of so many important limbs in my life. I felt sort of ackward wanting to laugh my head off at it and luckly contained myself and felt unhypocritically pissed at the 2 boozos in the back corner who did at one point. Anyways, I'm trying to decide what should be next on my list Mystic River or School of Rock. Check back for an update on that decision. Also i'm strongly considering getting my car's antenna fixed tommorow, because it gives me something to do and an excuse to go to the volkswagen dealer. I just hope my car doesn't see me looking at the new turbo jettas and get jealous. She's not going anywhere anytime soon as far as ownership goes, because like all good college students. I'm pretty much flat broke. But i like to pretend i'm not. So i look anyways.

Check back next week or in a few days for more information on the life of me, that is if you care.

And now because I love porsches......