| Disclaimer |
-This is the Brock Lesnar layout and roleplay made to be used in the WWF-X by it's handler, that's me! Everything that you see here was done by me. Don't even think about stealing my layout or the roleplay because if you do, I will find out and I will make your life a living hell! And please don't ask me to make you a layout because I don't have the time. It took me a long time to learn so why the FUCK should I let you slide easy when I wasted hours and hours, days and days of my life to learn this shit? There are websites out there that will make you a layout for free!
| Overall Information |
Role-Play # - Next Opponent(s) Record History Event
# 10 Kurt “Freakin” Angle Wins : 14 Losses : 03 Draws : 00

Drastic Measures

WWFX Accomplishments -WWFX Undisputed Champion (1x), Tag Team Champion (1x)

Victims Who Felt The Pain - Rob Van Dam | The Undertaker | Triple H (2x) | Paul Heyman



Oh my, oh my! Could this main event get more competitive? I think it can but it all depends on the will to win of both competitors! Kurt Angle has been an unstoppable training machine thus far and it doesn’t look like he’s stopping. Now why is Kurt Angle pushing himself to the limit? Could the so-called “Olympic Hero” be getting a little bit out of shape? Or could it be that he knows that he will be in not just a wrestling match but a fight! Eric Bishoff has officially made the match a no disqualification match. He has also barred anyone from interfering. If anybody dares to interfere they will be suspended! Bishoff is never one to do the right thing. Does he have a motive behind this whole deal, or for the first time ever in his life, he is trying to do the right thing? Kurt Angle is now in a whole lot of trouble because he will have to try to deal with Brock Lesnar on his own and not have Team Angle to assist him. “There is no way in hell that Kurt Angle will walk out the new WWFX World Champion!” those are the words from Brock Lesnar himself! He has said it before and he will keep saying until he happens. However Kurt Angle says otherwise. Kurt Angle says he feels very confident and very positive that he will win. Anyway you slice it this is going to be an awesome match to call!

-End Of Prologue

| |To sum it up everything that Brock Lesnar has been doing during this week, he hasn’t really been that worried as much as Kurt Angle has. All week long he’s only been having some fun. Only yesterday that Brock really got into some workout and training to prepare for his match but it seems that it was all he needed. It is now Saturday, June 27, 2003. Only one day left until the big WWFX event. What can be going through the mind of Brock Lesnar. Is he confident? Is he cocky? Well maybe not cocky but confident, yes! As it stands it is now 12:00 PM in the afternoon. The scene begins at the America Airlines Arena. There are cameras there and a whole bunch of people still waiting. It seems that an autograph signing is about to begin. On the scene there are a few of the WWFX superstars, none of the Main-eventers but a few of the Mid-carders are there. Also is Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole. There is an empty table that is reserved for Brock Lesnar. Suddenly the door opens and in comes Lesnar. A whole bunch of photographers start to take his picture as he walks towards his table. Ironically he is sitting in between ‘Good Ol’ JR and The King. | |

' The King ' Jerry Lawler: “Hey Brock, it’s about time you got here.”

' Good Ol JR ' Jim Ross: “King, shut up. Sorry about him Brock, he’s just been really upset because he’s not in the beach looking at the puppies. King I told you this is our job we have to sign autographs for the great WWFX fans, they pay to see us!”

' T h e P a i n ' Brock Lesnar: “That’s right King, you need to remember who pays your salary! You think it’s Adam Norton? No way man, it’s all the fans!”

' The King ' Jerry Lawler: “Yeah you guys are right.”

' Good Ol JR ' Jim Ross: “So Brock, there is one thing I have to ask you before this signing begins. Are you ready for Kurt Angle tomorrow night?”

' T h e P a i n ' Brock Lesnar: “Am I ready for Kurt Angle? JR what kind of a question is that? Look at me for a moment and tell me if I am ready for Kurt Angle.”

' Good Ol JR ' Jim Ross: “Well you definitely look ready Brock. You are always in great physical condition.”

' The King ' Jerry Lawler: “I think what JR was trying to ask you Brock is, are you mentally ready for Kurt Angle?”

' Good Ol JR ' Jim Ross: “Wow, thanks King I was gonna say that. But that’s what I meant Brock, mentally, how do you feel?”

' T h e P a i n ' Brock Lesnar: “Hmm, mentally huh? Well all I can tell you is that Kurt Angle’s been on my mind the whole week and I’m not talking about in a sweet way, you know? All week long I’ve been thinking about in how many ways will I hurt Kurt Angle before I win my title back! A title that I shouldn’t have lost in the first place! You remember that match I had with Stone Cold Steve Austin right JR? I was not supposed to lose that match to Austin but yet I lost it!”

' The King ' Jerry Lawler: “You keep bringing that up from time to time Brock, what is the real story behind this whole thing anyways?”

' T h e P a i n ' Brock Lesnar: “Come on King, as if you didn’t know. I was holding that WWFX championship longer than any man in the WWFX and because I was being unstoppable, Adam Norton thought I was being too much of an ego so he wanted somebody else to hold the torch and he chose Stone Cold. But you see that match was fixed and I didn’t wanna lose the title. Now you remember what happened after I lost, the following week I got suspended indefinitely. I never wanted to lose the title but I had no choice. But now it’s my chance to get it back and I will not blow this opportunity!”

' The King ' Jerry Lawler: “You know Brock, it’s obvious you got it in your mind that you will not lose, however Kurt Angle has it in his mind too that he will not lose. Kurt never held the WWFX title and he’s looking for his first shot. Now remember, he always won everything in his first shot. Remember in the WWE, he won the WWE title, Intercontinental title, European title and King of the Ring all on his first shot. So this being Kurt Angle’s first shot at the WWFX title, doesn’t it worry you that he might win it?”

' T h e P a i n ' Brock Lesnar: “Like I said before King, this doesn’t worry me one little bit, because I know something that Kurt Angle knows! I know for a fact that Kurt Angle is scared! Kurt Angle is afraid of the obvious! He felt the pain last week on Retribution, he felt the F-5. Now I should have covered him just so that people can see that he can’t get up of an F-5. But why do that, I mean after all, my intentions were not to try to intimidate Kurt Angle, I wasn’t trying to embarrass him in front of his fans, you know the 4 people that sits in the cheap seats, his wife, his brother and his parents. I was trying to send a little message before the big match. I was just trying to tell Kurt that I have his number! Kurt Angle now knows that and he couldn’t be more scared!”

' Good Ol JR ' Jim Ross: “Indeed you did Brock, but Kurt Angle seems to be on a roll after beating none other than the WWFX veteran, The Rock. I am not taking sides Brock, just pointing some facts out.”

' T h e P a i n ' Brock Lesnar: “It’s alright JR, I know all about Angle’s win last Sunday night. He came within an eyelash of losing that battle to The Rock. He almost got beat in that match. He was just fortunate.”

' Good Ol JR ' Jim Ross: “Well the word lucky comes to mind Brock.”

' T h e P a i n ' Brock Lesnar: “Let me tell you something JR, when it comes right down to big time matches, luck is for losers! Because I know that when, not if but when I beat Kurt Angle, luck will have nothing to do with it. I just have Angle’s number that’s all there is to it.”

| |After a brief talk with Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler the fans starts to walk in. They immediately go to where Brock Lesnar is sitting to get autographs. However it’s one at a time so a line is formed. Others decide to go to where it’s empty and goes to the other superstars that are there. However Brock Lesnar seems to be the most important one of them all being that he is the only Main-Event wrestler in the building. | |

' The King ' Jerry Lawler: “Looks like the fans just loooooove Brock Lesnar eh JR?”

' Good Ol JR ' Jim Ross: “No doubt about it King, I mean look at him, he’s doing very well and he’s one of the most respected wrestlers right now in the WWFX. I personally am very proud of Lesnar because he’s doing everything on his own now and doesn’t have that slime Paul Heyman to take all the credit.”

| |Brock Lesnar overhears what JR is talking and jumps into the conversation while signing autographs.| |

' T h e P a i n ' Brock Lesnar: “Damn right JR, I always did everything on my own, Paul Heyman only stuck his nose into my business. He was never the reason behind my success and I am proving it right now and everybody will see when I win that World championship.”

| |Two pretty women approaches Lesnar smiling their pretty little faces off. They ask Lesnar to sign an autograph for them but on their chest! The King is all wicked crazy about it.| |

' The King ' : “Hey do you want The King’s autograph too??? I’ll be more than happy to sign it! ”

' Good Ol JR ' Jim Ross: “Easy tiger, I don’t think these women are into old man.”

' The King ' Jerry Lawler: “Shut up JR, of course they are. The women love The King!”

' Good Ol JR ' Jim Ross: “Oh boy…”

' T h e P a i n ' Brock Lesnar: “Here you go ladies, and take it easy.”

| |Brock finishes signing his autograph on the two women’s chest and they walk away. King is calling them back but they don’t hear him.| |

' The King ' Jerry Lawler: “Hey, over here, over here!! Damn it, you see JR, they saw me with you and got scared!”

' Good Ol JR ' Jim Ross: “Oh shut the hell up King, you moron!”

| |Lesnar smiles as he continues to sign autographs. He takes pictures with many of the fans. This goes on for about an hour until the he is done with the last fan and the autograph session is over.| |

' The King ' Jerry Lawler: “Well that was fun, you know next time I am sitting away from you JR!”

' Good Ol JR ' Jim Ross: “You promise?”

' T h e P a i n ' Brock Lesnar: “ AHHAHA. You guys are too much! You sound like an old married couple. Well this was fun nonetheless, got to meet my fans and they got to meet me so I am happy. I’m going back to the Hotel now and rest. That’s what I need right now. I am ready as I’ll ever be to beat Kurt Angle’s ass tomorrow. So JR, King, take care and stop fighting all the time for crying out loud!”

| |Brock gets up from his seat and starts walking out of the room where the autograph session took place. He opens the door and heads out.| |