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Poems for my Love

These are poems that I wrote for the woman of my dreams. She has filled me with a love that I thought I would never find, and is an inspiration in every facet of my life. I appreciate everything about her and especially the fact that she has given me a love as deep and special as hers. She holds my heart in her hand and she has my love forever and a day... I love you,with all that I am.

You Are My Everything

I awake in the middle of the night,
Out of my dreams and into reality,
You were there, but also here.

I lie here in bed and stare up at the ceiling,
Your image is burned in my mind,
You are gone, but I still feel you near.

I long for your touch and your gentle caress,
And to just hold you and watch you as you sleep,
I can’t wait to see you again.

Just a few hours ago, we were one,
You and I together, like lovers often are,
Your sent still lingers on my skin.

I run my tongue across my lips, I can still taste you,
Feelings rush through me and I am overcome,
It’s amazing what your kiss can do to my heart.

I suddenly realize how much I miss you,
And how much my heart yearns to be yours,
Even though right now we are apart.

I slowly start to drift off to sleep,
You are my dreams and my reality,
You are my everything.

One Winter Night

As I sit here looking out my window,
I look up at the night sky and see the stars,
I am reminded of your eyes.

I crack the window open; the smell of the air is crisp,
There is a faint sweetness to the air tonight.
I am reminded of how good you smell.

I open it fully, the cold wind blows across my face,
And I get a chill that runs straight down my spine,
I am reminded of how your touch makes me feel.

I lean out the window, and take in the cold night air,
It tingles in my lungs, and gently takes my breath away.
I am reminded of your kiss.

I revel in all the beauty that this winter night has to offer,
But it pales in comparison to the beauty you posses,
I am reminded of how much I love you.

When I Think Of You

When I think of you, there are so many feelings I want to express,
I know I tell you all the time, but I have to get this off my chest.

You do things for me that I can’t describe, that no one else has ever done,
My passion for you burns brightly, second only to the sun.

I want to hold you, keep you in my arms, very close and feel you near,
I want to smell your hair, and kiss your head, and whisper in your ear.

Sit down with me and cuddle, lay your head upon my chest,
Listen to my beating heart, it beats for you, now rest.

When you wake, I will still be here, with you wrapped up in me,
At this very moment, there is no place I would rather be.

Just you and me, right here right now, the connection is unreal,
We look at each other and without saying a word, we know just how we feel.

The love that I feel for you is strong, and I know you feel it too,
I will let you know every single day just how much that I need you.

I love you my dear, with all of my heart, with every ounce of me,
I will tell you until my dying day, whenever that may be.

Even When We Are Apart

I miss your touch, I miss you near,
As the days pass by, and you are not here,

I miss your voice, the way it makes me melt,
I remember the first time I heard it, the way I felt,

I miss your eyes, the windows to your soul,
I could look into them forever, and it would never grow old.

I miss your arms, and your soft caress,
When you draw me in close, it’s complete happiness.

I miss your lips, and the gentle way,
You press them to mine, takes my breath away.

I know very soon, you will return
But until that day, my heart will yearn

I miss you my love, with all of my heart,
Remember always, I love you, even when we’re apart.


I know things are really hard for us right now,
Having to wait for what our hearts truly long for,
And sometimes I don’t know if I can make it through.

I wonder if my heart can take this every day,
If it can withstand the constant longing it feels,
But then I think of you.

I know that my feelings are strong and true,
And that I can never let you go,
I want to know what could be with us.

I want to be able to share my love and my feelings,
With a person as beautiful as you,
I know in the end that this will be worth all the fuss.

The connection we share is so special,
I have never in my life, had a love like I have with you,
Every time we are together, I feel like I am finally whole.

I was never sure if I believed in destiny or fate,
Until the day you walked into my life,
Now I know that I have found a common soul.

I promised my love to you forever and a day,
And you can have it even longer,
All I am is here for you, waiting for you to complete me.

You are my true love, the one I’ve searched for,
That my heart knew existed and yearned to be close to forever
I know that soon, we will be one, you and I, our hearts free.

Today, Tomorrow, Forever

As I lie here in bed, my thoughts drift towards you,
I just can’t help it, they always do.
Today, tomorrow, and forever.

I wonder what will happen for you and me?
Will it work out for us? Can we ever be?
Today, tomorrow and forever.

Deep in my heart you’ve started a fire.
Everything you are, is all desire.
Today, tomorrow, and forever.

To hold you, breathe you, and feel your kiss,
To fall totally into you, that is my wish.
Today, tomorrow, and forever.

My love for you is here to stay,
These feelings for you won’t go away.
Today, tomorrow, and forever.

Know in your heart, my feelings are true,
I can’t say it enough. I love you.
Today, tomorrow, and forever.

Better With Age

Like the sweetest of roses on a warm summer day,
like a glass of the world's best Chardonnay,
as the hours go by with each passing day,
our love is like wine,
it gets better with age.

One Thought

I sit in an empty house, all alone, in silence.
I look inside my mind, and there is only one thing there,
One thought that consumes my soul.

I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can’t do anything,
Without having my thoughts drift towards this one thing.
For some reason, I just don’t seem whole.

My heart longs for something it knows it can’t have yet,
It waits for the day when it beats in time with another,
My heart, like my body, has wants and needs.

There is something missing, and I know what it is,
Although I am powerless to do anything about it,
I guess I will just wait and see where destiny leads.

I’ve pinned it down, and I know what it is,
The thought that consumes me, and makes me long for another,
The one thing that I know I am missing, and that will finally fill me with love.

The thought that rules me, and keeps me awake in the wee hours,
The thing that drives me, the thing that makes me a better man,
The thought that an angel has been sent to me from above.

The thought that consumes me is You.

One Spring Day

I walk outside on a warm spring day,
Cool breezes gently brush my cheeks,
I think of you.

Strolling along, feeling the sun on my face,
The warmth surrounding me, and embracing me,
I think of you.

I lay down in a quiet spot to feel the soft grass against my skin,
It caresses me and cushions me,
I think of you.

The smell of blooming flowers fills the air,
Millions of different scents, little nuances of sweetness,
I think of you.

The sounds of this spring day are relaxing,
Calming to my mind, filling my body and soul with peace.
I think of you.

This day is perfect in every way.
It is more wonderful and beautiful than I could have imagined.
I think of you.

Everything about this day, reminds me of you,
And all things that made me fall in love with you.
I think of you, constantly.

Copyright 2002. All poems are copyrighted and any unauthorized use or publication will not be tolerated and is punishable by law.
