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Igor’s Poetry Page



My name is Rick Harris, you can just call me Igor.  If you know me, you understand the name, but if not, oh well.  I have been known to write poetry every once in a while, more later than sooner as of late though.  I guess it’s because I’m a pretty passionate kinda guy, or at least one of the few that actually admits to it.  Oh well, I’m writing poetry, and I’ve got friends all over, so this was the best way I could come up with so that my friends could read my pathetic try’s at romance or other such extreme feelings, so I made this web page to post my poems on as I write them.  So check up on this site from time to time to see if I’ve written anything new.  If you can’t tell from the dates on the poems, my poetry writing can come in waves, so just expect to see some poems, or maybe a lot of poems if you think something big has just happened in my life.  Without further ado, the links below are to my poems, check it out.  If any of this inspires you, or if you just plain feel the need to respond to any of my work, like telling me I’m a huge loser for writing poetry and thinking that people will read it, feel free to e-mail me at



“Torn”  10-21-2002


“Sunset”  10-28-2002


“Heart Broken”  11-6-2002


“Love”  11-13-2002


“Fix Me, I’m Broken”  11-17-2002


“When Harry Left Sally”  11-19-2002


“If”  11-25-2002


“Shaking”  4-24-2003