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Hope And Esperanza

Hello, my name is Betty. I am a 19 year old female that has a lot to say and therefore created this page.I created this page for women/men that are being abused/have been abused/are abusing.
Abuse can range from sexual to physical and from emotional to verbal.There are many different types of abuse. Abuse can be directed towards a child or towards the elderly. Abuse is the intentional mistreatment or harm of another person.Abuse is a crime. Abuse can happen to anyone anytime anywhere so please do be cautious with your self and your children as these things are sometimes hard to recognize.

I am interested in putting a stop to abuse because I believe that it is something very unacceptable and we cannot live with this any longer. I provide you with a special space in this page where you can post your story or you can express how you feel towards the things addressed in this page. I also have provided you with many helpful links and many information that I have gathered up during the past few years. Please use it wisely and remember that there is no excuse for abuse. If you would like to talk about anything I'll be glad to listen , my e-mail is You can reach me there anytime and I will reply to your e-mail as soon as possible. I hope you enjoy this space.

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