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Twin One and Twin Two
Dedicated to twin one and all our fun with a small quote from our BOTA team leader

"So why would I send
your mid weeks as one
Cause I like to bug you
it's so much fun!!!

Nothing better than a little torture
For Evil twin One and Evil Twin Two
Hee hee, it's just so much fun
what's a girl to do??"

Dear TL and twin one
this is evil twin two
checking in with
a reply for you

Took mom to the Dr's
Blood Presure and flu
The kids have all had it,
I'm fighting it too

Interveiwing contractors
to fix the broke roof
" Is that ALL your paying???"
They ask so aloof

The thunder has sydney
Howling and so
Our sweet loving neighbors
called the cops dont ya know

My teen who moved out
Has moved back in again
and is starting to pout
"mom's and dad's are such pains"

We are hiding the car keys
Till she finishes school
Oh we are so "awful"
and "Very uncool"

The youngest are currently
into a fight 'bout
"It isnt my turn
to wash dishes tonight!"

Then a call from the lawyer
got me in a bree
"Ma'am , we're missing the forms
X, Y and Z"

"Sure I'll drop em off I say
The whole stack"
It's only 120 miles
there and back.

Then the folks who look after
My younger bro
Say , " Lets medicate him,
He's too active ya know?"

So off to a meeting
we fly straight away
"Turn him into a zombie?"
"I don't think so, NO WAY!"

Then we finally get home
To my pc I sway
Wishing that calgon
would take me away

when the men in white coates
come to get me some day
just before they haul me
mumbling away

there is something
that I would like you to do....
Say I want the padded cell
with the view?

I voted for myself
and my teamates
....Just another average week
in the life of twin two

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