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Brimmed Hat With Flowers


Editors Notes: The highly subjective nature of human relations makes everyone his or her own expert. Yet, its universality means that there is far more to learn than any of us can hope to grasp in a lifetime. This is not to say, that we should resign ourselves to a narrow vision of the potentially boundless means of expressing both our individuality and our togetherness in a loving relationship. With the shrinking of the world through every-improving communication through computer technology, Carmen Pursifull allows us to explore cyberspace encounters and to experience relationships in online chatrooms and instant messages through the poetry within Brimmed Hat With Flowers. Her research on cyber-relationships touches values and practices about the psychology of human relations and sexuality prevalent in the society in which we live. While some of the poems in this collection deal with the topic of sex and may make some readers uncomfortable, sex at its most fulfilling will always be about conveying love and mutual caring. Pursifull writes with honesty, grace and eloquence when she explores the expressions of these emotions. She gives us the opportunity to look at how our insights into our conscious and unacknowledged sexual drives may help to improve any relationship.
© Marie Mamaril

Poems From Brimmed Hat With Flowers (
The Dirty Mirror as a Reflection
Liquid Mood
You Are a Hard Drive