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cRaZy FaMiLy
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PeOpLe I'vE mEt @ O'nEiLL cVi

Well Hereīs the Last days of High school and what they looked like....basically prom is the best way to show who I spent them with and what they were if you feel like it, go have a look at our Prom of 2003...
PrOm PiCtUrEs
(added on June 8th 2003)

My Time in cAnAdA was fUn because of these PeOpLe

Alright, Iīm updating this page completely because itīs not really the same as it was in high school anymore.
Alright lets see...

Moīs living in Whitby now with her boyfriend Rob...

Meganīs off at University right now...far away from Oshawa...

Steveīs in Oshawa still, going to University there.

Chris is in Mississauga living happily with with his new love Tiffiny

While my 2 pet Rats, Michelle and Nelly, now live with Matt (Chris' younger brother)...

Thereīs also many other people that I knew in Canada but I donīt have pics of them if you want to be added, just send me a picture.
the otherīs I have just pics of but not much of a comment just because...well no real reason...

...Hereīs Lee and his vision of what he looks like...

...Another, more recent, pic of Megan...

*cLiCk oN tHe PiCs To EnLaRgE tHeM*

Chris and Rebekka

Megan and Jon
