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A Few Poems and Other Nondescript Rambles

This page is dedicated to all of the people who have helped inspire all of my poems and stories... You know who you are. It's time that we begin to be heard, even though most of you really suck.

A bit about me....

My name is Jess, but my friends call me PinKo. Don't dwell on this, just except it as I have done. I also have an ass kicking, take no shit from anyone, evil alter ego I call Scarlet. I like her, and I think I'll let her out more often, because this world in my opinoin needs that shit today sir.... Hmmm lets see, what else is there? I'm 20 and I go to FMCC ( clown college). I have a beautiful son named Michael who I love to death, and lots of wonderful wacky friends. I also love to write, and hope to do so some day for a living... Hmmmm, I see a starving artist in the future. On that note, I'd love to hear your feed back. Go ahead, tell me what you think, I could use some constructive criticism. But be warned, I do bite. Ask anyone, they'll tell you...

The works on this page are MINE (and very personal to me). They may not be reproduced in part or whole without my explicit consent. Karma is a bitch... Rember that before you swipe something from my page. *Thanks to Steve Kane for the wonderful PiNko illustrations!!!*

Eric Millikin and Casey Sorrow's Fetus-X

Rambles and Poems Seen Here

The rest 'O the Stuff

Inane Rambles From The One & Only
Odd Poems from the Mind of I
New Drippings from the Mind of I
