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width="464" height="340" align="left">If these poems shock and delight, exhilarate and disturb; if the categories of ones every day life fall apart and the boundaries of ones life are expanded then the odours of these poems have done their work. 

-Gamahucher, '03

An Introduction to Gamahucher

His Central Works:

Evil Flowers

Wet Flowers

Poisonous Flowers

Xanadu: A Female's Sexual Oddessy

Amore La Mal Incantare

Hungers Unholy

La Belles Dames Sans Merci: A Males Sexual Oddessy

The Aesthetics of Anti-Poetry (or; a very Gamahucher Manifesto)


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Links: Modern Word; Rotten Library; Sacred-texts; R.A.W.; Disinfo; 2720 (music for free); Spunk; Impious Digest; VEHM.

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