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.:Elves of Lorien:.

Fan Art
Fan Fiction
My Elves
My Blog

Argonath Awards


This whole bio thing is getting old, huh? Originally I was going to do in-depth bios on just a few elves. But then I recieved too many complaints about that, so I'm doing more general histories and timelines for every elf that was ever created or mentioned by Tolkien. You see why its taking so long?!?!?! Anyways, I posted Gally's but I've got everyone else's stored in Word. I won't put them up until I have everyone. I've been having a bit of trouble with my galleries. Some people have taken the pictures from my galleries and direct linked 'em back to my site. This is not appropriate behavior. It uses up all my bandwidth which results in the server closing down my site for certain (and sometimes long) periods of time. So, please, don't do this! It really is a pain. As you've noticed, my entire links page is missing, much to my dismay and I have to re-create the entire thing because I (stupidly) did not save a copy of the html. Anyways, I'm beginning to sound depressing. So 'nuff with my jabbering, happier topics in store ^_^ I've got an award!!!!! YaY!!!! Thank you ever so much Argonath ^_^ All I have to do is put it up now. Best Layout!!! Kul!!! Happy! Happy!! Happy!!! My recent luck has caused me to enter my site into a ton of competitions...what can I say? It went to moi head ^_^



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Thanks to everyone who's support, feedback, and help has made this site possible ^_^
Oh, and enjoy!!!