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Galadrawen Tinuviel: Lady of the sea

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Elen sila lumenn omentielvo! I have moved my story from expage to angelfire as you can see. I am still trying to discern how to operate the system, so please bear with me.

For those of you who are knew to Galadrawen and my story I am the mystery shrouded elven queen who resides by the sea. I have dwelt in that same place for many long years, awaiting the time when I may at last journey to Valinor to join my kin and my love. Here begins my tale, the only known record of my previous life. Come, travel the paths I traveled, see the sights I saw, and join me on my journey.

If you have any commentary whatsoever about my story, feel free to speak up. I love getting mail from my readers.

The Chapters

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
