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Good Bye World, Until We Meet Again


I have nothing to write

My mind has gone blank

In my endeavored plight

I'm just a label and rank


The philosophers are in the past

All the others are dying

I knew what I knew wouldn’t last

And I knew you would give into crying


I fade into your hot ashes

The tears of your smoke

And I watch as my mind crashes

When on your poison, you choke


My eyes used to shimmer

And my fire had once burned

The flame is much dimmer

And now my heart has learned


So good bye to my words

Good bye to the genius of the bright

Good bye to you with your drugs as your sword

Good bye to my spirit, my hearts candle, the light


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Hate Without Hate


I do hate you but in a unusual way

That I would not strive or wish your life to decay.

It is only that you are to be less then me,

And I must hate you because of society.


I don't hate you but I'll fall if I do not.

I'd show the truth if I knew the truth would be bought,

But alone I cannot have love in my ways

For if I do not hate it's my end I dismay…


I struggle to respect you though it I can't show.

Then I try to ignore you and wish you would go.

Yet, when you smile at me with your loving eye

I feel my regret that I did not even try…


Yet, with all my endeavor I can't change a thing

Because when in my presence no hate do you bring

For I do hate hating and I wish it could end.

I hate without hating when I must hate a friend.


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She hides in her destruction

But her white skin always bleeds through

She paints over her instruction

As if there’s no sky but the birds still flew

And her light makes the stars seem to fade to blue

Who knew?


She hides in her freedom

She flying but with no place to go

But’s she is content to even have some

When freedom, some are content not to know

And then she finds her place and her light glows

Who knows?


She hides in her beauty

But she paints over what is inside

She says "They won’t understand when they know me"

Her beauty is the reason she hides

And then she fades and her light seems to subside

Who tried?


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The Hunter


You killed a mother, now her children are destitute.

You killed another, but a nation still remains mute.

You felt her blood on your hands; you caused her strife.

You destroyed a link in the delicate chain of life.

Now creatures are starving, the ones that fed of her kind

You, their predator, now starve. How could you be so blind?

As you stare at the mothers head mounted on your wall

Remember, because you took her life, you will soon fall.


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In the fortitude of hush

Away from the abysmal place

Only I can hear the utter silence

Of a dying race


Eaten by homelessness

Labeled with disgrace

Stripped by fraud adherence

Pelted by our ruling mace


In this abysmal place

Where every creature is dying

Only you can hear its speaking,

Its equivocal lying


In the fortitude of hush

Where there is every being

Where you can hear the silence saying

Just let your spirit sing


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I Am Afraid


I am afraid of you

Of what things you will say

I'm afraid of rejection

Or the price I will pay

I'm afraid of your judgement

For it is not benign

I'm afraid of opinion

When yours doesn't match mine

Your power has made you feared

But when it's gone I'll see

That I should not fear you

You already fear me


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I Dreamt That I Was Walking Naked In The Snow


I dreamt that I was walking naked in the snow

And every ethereal flake had a celestial glow

I walked to a cliff and put my body to the stone

And I sensed you were bellow me but I still felt all alone

Then I felt myself sliding, shimmying closer to my demise

But the snow just kept descending like dying fireflies

It dusted my blanched skin, sharing its pallid reverie

The wind made it seem a writhing hand as it shifted the debris

That drew my breath away, scraping it from the lung

And took from it every decaying note, my concealed song sung

Then I recalled who I was, who I had always been

And to my languored eye, the snow was obscure upon my skin

I felt myself recoiling until I could not perceive the cleft

Thought I sensed you were bellow me, I realized you had left

The light of ethereal flakes become a suffocated glitter

And the wind discarded the notes and exhaled them with a pitter

I hadn’t known it all before, the beauty of their stellar beams

Was inside me, that of my own, until I walked naked in my dreams


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I Feel So Old (Sonnet VII)


My heart, on fire, eats me away.

I feel empty and my blood runs cold.

I feel as if I could die today.

I'm alone, and it makes me feel old.

Near you, my breath is heavy and hot.

My face is ruby with desire.

Your eyes, to me, are like blue zealots,

But I'm feeling so old it's dire.

I dream of your kisses in my mind,

But they will never belong to me.

If your heart cupid's arrow could find,

Feeling old wouldn't be my decree,

But your heart already has a keeper.

Now, I'm so old I walk with the reaper.


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I Met Reality Yesterday

Dedicated to Sharra McIntosh


I met reality yesterday

I’ll meet the truth tomorrow

For every cent I spent on lies

From the two I had to borrow


Reality comes nipping at my heels

And the truth is not far behind

They burn at my feet with unrelenting heat

An evaporate my mind


I met reality yesterday

And it brought the truth along

I thought that I could live with lies

But the truth is I was wrong


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I Want To Say Something


I want to say something

Please hush the masses

Wait! The words have gone

And fled and I am left for dead


The words I wish to bring

Vanish as time passes

Wait! Here they come again

But I’m alone when I am fain


If only I could sing

like chiming crystal glasses

At me the world would gaze

And I would speak and amaze


I want to say something

But I slip between crevasses

More time, I could not buy it

Now my voice has fallen quiet


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If I could be anyone what would I be?

The blind, for the horror they never will see

If I could have anything what would I get?

The chance to let go of every secret

If I could die which way would I go?

Go quick, blind by light or let truth set in slow


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If He Knew Me on This Night


I wander into the ebb and the flow of the midnight sky as it manifests amethyst around the burning stars that float in the vast ocean of the heavens like little fish…


I breathe in the perfumes of the exotic trees that look as if they are young maidens swaying their sculpted arms into the violet expansion stretching aloft all abode as if wanting to possess the diamond sequins in the angels' velvet gowns as they fly above the earth…


I feel the mists linger over my skin embracing me, making my skin quiver as if the moisture pours fire into my veins. The mist is glowing with desires of many like the moisture from the lips of a thousand blown kisses never to touch the lips of their passion…


But this night of beauty like a dance in an ocean ball is masked with a thick blanket sealing the pleasure of it from me. Only he could wipe away the haze that thunders over elation, my love, my secret love. If only he knew me like he knows the sun brushing his cheek as the morning swallowed the problems of yesterday or like the familiar scents the gingerly wind bestowed him as it caresses the soft flesh of his neck…


I sit on this night with my love's tender arms enveloping me in his body's inviting warmth as my soul is gnarled into his forever knotted. He kisses my neck so softly the only thing I feel is the sigh of intimacy as he rubs his perfect, unblemished cheek against my cold, rosy cheek of white satin. And at last he whispers "I love you" like the soft hum of the seashells as they murmur the secrets of the ocean yet…


Only if he knew me, he would really be there.


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If I Knew It Was Your Last Day


If I knew it was your last day

I would have kissed your lips a hundred times

I would have touched your face and I would say,

"Please forgive me for all of my crimes."


If I knew it was your last hour

I would have kissed your lips until the suns last ray

I would have touched your face until I knew each contour

I would have stood by your side when life started to stray


I could have sketched your smile forever

I could have danced with you one last time

I could have gave you my life when yours was severed

I could have stopped the committance of this crime


I should have treated you with so much care

I should have never let you on your own

Now I am lost with no one, no where

I should have got there before you were gone


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I'm Half Gone


I'm half gone

Like a lukewarm drink

And I sink

Like a song

At it's last sad note


I'm half here

Like a sleepy day

And I stay

Like a fear

That you can never denote


I'm half real

Like a painter's dream

But I seem

As I feel

As if I'm genuine


I'm half gone

Like a dying rose

As it goes

I am done

Like a poem's last line


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I'm Nothing


I don't have a color I don't have a race

I don't have a name I don't have a face

I cant' be uplifted, I can't have disgrace

I have no religion; I don't have a place

I'm not a failure; I'm not an ace

I don't go unseen, but I don’t leave a trace

I don't have crudity, yet I don't have grace

I did nothing wrong but I can't plead my case

I'm just a person that's all that I am

I don't have a label; I'm only human


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In My Heart

Dedicated to Sharra McIntosh


You star with desolate eyes

Void of the life you lived

And your rosy lips fade and die

Giving every kiss they could give

You hair used to shimmer with stars

Now it hangs vapid in your face

Your voice seems to echo from afar

As though you have gone from this place

Though your hues have been faded by strife

And your vigor soul broken apart

Tough you’re void of your lived life

You’re always alive in my heart


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Inky Memories


I used to paint pictures of my life in my mind

So vivid, So colorful

And every time with my name each I signed

Adding a piece of my soul

But now the paintbox is desolate and cold

The paintings collecting dust

Their flamboyant frames that were guilded in gold

Are frames now guilded in rust


Now my life is only writing in my mind

So smudged and likewise blemished

And the pen leaks on whatever light I find

Blotting out every wish

The writing that tells of those paintings’ grandeur

That they once streamed of glory

Is now masked by words of a past that’s a blur

Each an inky memory


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I am lacking inspiration

But it's beyond reality

It's kind of like a dying nation

A secret kept discreetly

It's kind of like to see the future

But instead you go too far

It's kind of like you bleed and die

But you never really have a scar

It's kind of like the world keeps going

After you are long gone

It's kind of like the end of a story

But just the beginning of another song

Now I look for inspiration

But it's unreachable

Because the world is just so empty

And our lives seem just so full

Another tune, another song

They all sound the same to me

Nothing is reachable

When you are beyond reality

I'm looking for some inspiration

But the world seems a little plain

Even though each thing is different

Everything just seems the same

You know you look for a new tune

But every note has already been sung

Every sound has already been heard

And everything have already been done

What's the point of living life?

When there's nothing to live for anymore

Except to do what others want

And never do it for what it's for

It's kind of like no inspiration

The world has just run dry and numb

It's kind of like a new sensation

That's over before it's even begun

Now I have some inspiration

I don't know what it is from

It's kind of like a fallen nation

A tragedy know to everyone


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Invisible Girl


I'm the invisible girl. I exist only in your fists and spiteful thoughts.

I only appear when you want to use me

To crush my spirit time and time again

And fill me with your pain.


I'm the invisible girl. I exist only in your malignant eyes and forceful words.

I only appear when you want to abuse me

To vanquish my innocence hour upon hour

And fill yourself with a sense of power.


You're the invisible girl. You exist only in my tears and shaking hands.

You only appear when you want to confuse me

To lift the burden of my soul's capture

And disprove human nature.


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The Invisible Man

Dedicated to: Lindsey Gehring


I had a cup of tea with an invisible man

And he told me of his dreams

He sat staring at me, me staring at him

And it's true nothing is what it seems


And I'd walk in the sun if I knew

That the sun wanted me there

The invisible man says I am tan

If I was only like him I'd be clear


He dreamed of me walking in a field of mud

But still my skin stayed white

I'm almost invisible but in my heart

Something still blocks out the light


I had a cup of tea with an invisible girl

But our conversation felt lonely

Then I looked at my skin and saw nothing

Knowing "she" was really me


I had a cup of tea with an invisible man

And he told me of his dreams

He sat looking through me, me looking through him

And it's true nothing is what it seems


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Is It Better To Have Never?


"Silly-feeling, fast-beating heart

You are high in the clouds above"

If only I could say the same

But I have never been in love


"You ruby lips, you will betray

I'm drunken with their bliss"

If only I could say the same

But I have never had a kiss


"You soft embrace, our fingers locked

Our palms burn like summer beach sand"

If only I could say the same

But I have never held a hand


"You broken heart, you foolish thing

Letting me down when push came shove"

If only I could say the same

But I have never been in love


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It Won't Be Missed


I speak with a different tongue

In a different time

Some place where no one will know me

Where my voice is not a crime

Where my words thicken the air

But pass with no recognition

I feel so innocent here

With no work with a soulless mission

Everyone here will forget me

And most don't know I exist

With a different tongue in a different time

I know I won't be missed


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Fragile as a snow blossom with a pale gentle hue

Quiet as a seashell's song or the sky's calming blue

Sweet as a honeysuckle like sparkling sugar

Faded as a forgotten dream but priceless as a star

Eyes seem distant, face seems dead like the depths of the sea

Wisdom yet innocence in her soul that drifts freely

Every wish in her name like sweet utopia

In the desolate night the wind whispers, "Jessica"


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Just Smile!


I like when the world smiles at me

I like smiling at my shadow too

But my shadow won't smile back

But I do


I like when the world is happy

The smiles lately have grown so few

I'll add to the smiles we lack

Why won't you?


I like when the world frowns sullenly

When the sky seems black not blue

I smile at the world in the gloomy black

Then the world smiles, too


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Knotting without "nots"


The knot that I tried but I could not knot

Was not a knot knotted easily

The knot kept slipping and would not knot

The knot was knotted difficulty

But, again, the knotted knot would not knot

And would not stay knotted when I tried

Because the knot will not knot with "nots"

Only knots without "nots" can be tied


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Last Words


These are my last words

Like a face in a single light source, you can't see my eyes anymore

Don't analyze these words, they are just my heart

Don't build your life upon them and make them your foundation

Just listen to them whisper like the mountains and let them wash to the ocean like melted snow

Like a broken seashell, no longer will you hear my breath.

But don't forget these words; don't let them slowly evaporate like a water drop. Instead, let them stain the wood.

Don't twist them like the earth and time twist the fallen pines

Don't preach them like a squawking bird but instead let others discover them like a feather you left gnarled in the grass

Like a broken mirror, I am left disoriented and scattered

Don't propose them as something bad but enjoy them, absorb them like the sun, ever present and always there for the taking. But don't wallow in their pleasures, only when the path you walk gets rocky.

Like a thornless rose I'm quickly plucked from life

Most of all not to pervert their significance leave in haste before I speak again

For these are my last words


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The Lawn


The Earth is a lawn in a neighborhood

Never is it looked at as a whole, just in sections

And people are like grass

We all are the same in some way

But are different at closer viewing

And just like on Earth

Everyone wants to cut you down


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A legend is a place I go

Others make the legends grow

Like fire, legends spread and glow

Until they're burning bright


But I am here to remember

To pursue the glow of the ember

For the listeners will misremember

But legends are a crucial rite


To the world, my small endeavor

To make the legends live forever

Legends will live. I do aver

Legends will live. I do plight


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Life is a knot in a golden chain

Loosened at each rising sun

The last breath is blown, the chain slips free

Death beckons, the knot is undone.


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Life Isn’t Blue


Life isn’t blue

Until you finally look at the sky

You grasp at the distance stars

They slip like sands through your hands and you wonder why


Life isn’t blue

Until you finally swim in the sea

You swim forever and search for the end

Only to find it was in your mind and you wonder why it had to be


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Love, loss, loneliness


Dead, withered as a rose

Plucked from nourishment

Put on a pedestal

For a moment of enjoyment


Love, as quickly as it goes

Plucks your heart by accident

Vulnerably cruel

For a lifetime of resentment


Empty, a late flower

Blooming in the snow

Not a breathless moment

Dying, never a chance to grow


Alone, an unheard utter

Blooming ever, never to go

Having a pain less evident

But love hurts more not to know


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Love In My Art (Sonnet IV)


When I begin to paint my mind is empty as is my canvas

And when I put out my pigments on my pallet they are structured

So fundamental and boring life is in this stage so suppressed

But with a whisk of my brush the equilibrium is ruptured

Streaks and lines, smearing and smudges decide the fate of the picture

And yet in my mind I have not chosen the painting's destiny

The once monotonous paints on my pallet are now a mixture

My hands are covered in paint but I think it looks better on me

Quickly in haste before the paint has dried and is forever still

Before the calamity and chaos die to echoes again

I open my eyes to see what my heart not my sight has painted

To see the portrait of my inspiration, you, my true, close friend

For your face keeps the passion, chaos, what is realities truth

Because like paint on ruff canvas the course of love never runs smooth


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Mama Said


Mama said this ain't no place for me.

I can't see why through the smog.

Mama said here ain't safe to be.

Is it because of that drug dog?


Mama said don't be scared no more.

Is she scared of the dark, too?

Mama said, "My time is running poor."

She say "I'se gonna leave you."


Mama said "When you hear the pops

You gonna hafta find you own way."

"Don't be scared of the chalk and cops,

They helpin' me to leave," she say.


Now I'se twenty-three years old,

But will I make it to twenty-four?

Mama, why'd you leave me in your shadow, cold?

Well, I'se a waitin' 'til I'm brought to heav'n's door.


Mama said this ain't no place for me.

I see why now that the smoke is clear.

But mama, you's just as bad as society

'Cos you left me, 'cos you wasn't here.


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The Man of the Dark Rose


From the ebony mists

From the gnarled deceit

A man of the rose

No one can defeat

With diamond, mirror eyes

And a heart of dark jade

A powerful love

Never to fade

He brings you to

His dark castle place

He kisses the tears

Off of your face

A strange encounter

I thought to be sure

He was the wicked

Yet he was so pure

I did meet him

In serene light

But when he left

My soul faded to night

Yet, he gave the reason

To make destitute strive

So at his palace gate

I did conclude to arrive

And there I still stay

Greatly secure

He is the passion

He is the cure


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Overwhelmingly pale yet of blush color, the satin blanket of the Earth,

Are the petals of a benign, minute marigold

It contains the power in every complex bloom for my soul birth

In every lush stem, an overheard story of elation never told


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