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Erm.. so here is...uuuh, well the site I made about my trip in Africa. I tried to make would be more appropriate, lmao

Do you wanna know where I have been???? *drums :-p* .......
Ok, to answer I'm in Africa for a month (from July 26th to August 25th, I put the link early because I might not have the internet later), with my 2 best friends, Raphie (a girl) & Jérémy (a guy). This travel with a part of humanitarian purpose is organized within the Scouts of France movement.

Ok, & now if anyone is still interested to know what I'm doing there, I've done this site (well, at this very moment I plan to do this site if I can manage to do it since I'm really not computer skilled, he he he) to explain a bit.

Oh, & if you want to let a message, my guestbook will be please to keep what you write. I'm sorry, I didn't managed to create a tag board despite Elmo's help, so you got only one option (or no option at all more exactly since you don't have choice?) Tschuss everyone, take care !!

with all my silly comments

with all my pictures this time

The Scouts of France
The group
The project
The country : Niger
Our official texts (sort of he he he)
How we prepared our project
The Schedule
The action aspect
The religious aspect

  • The camp (to come later)
  • Pondering of an end (to come later)

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I'd rather be hated for who I am than be loved for who I'm not.