The Picnic

 His hand lightly covering Audrey's eyes and his other guiding her by the hand, he looked around happily at the place he'd dubbed lover's pond on his first finding of the calm, green place. Alex's gaze drifts down the rocky trail to the calm waters of the 100 foot lake. Surrounded by weeping willows that seemed to yearn to kiss the waters surface, the lakes mirrored surface was sprinkled with the blossoms of springs budding trees.
 Taking in a deep breath of surrounding nature, he turned to Audrey. High cheekbones, a straight nose, and the pouty but sculptrured lips fit her face well. Framed with blur black hair which cascaded to the middle of her back.
He pauses at the beginning of the trail and slides his hand from her eyes. Audreys eyes widen slightly and he hears her sharp intake of breath at the scene of lover's pond. With rolling hills of green on all sides. Her hand tightens around his as he scopes the enchanting scene.
 'Oh, Alex,' she breathes,'How did you.. This is perfect!'She turns her teary gaze to the man she's been married to a year on this day. She sends a silent prayer of thanks to the powers that be, as she envelopes Alex in an excited hug.
 'Wait here.' Alex says, breaking the hug and walking towards the car. In the backseat are a blanket and a basket. Grabbing these he watches Audrey take in the scene momentarily before going to her.
  Taking her small hand in his, he leads her down the trail towards the water. Cutting off of the trail to a smaller one, leading into the trees on the left of lovers pond. Finding markings he'd made more than a week ago, he leads her off the path straight into thickly cloistered trees. The afternoon suns glare is dimmed into a spotted, green haze.
 'Just a little further,' Alex replies to the awestricken woman he led.
 Years of pine needles and past autumns fallen leaves made the couples tread near silent. Audrey basked in the chirps and hums of nature.
 Her eyes widen at the sight of a clearing of shin high grass broken only by the light breeze and patches of colorful wildflowers, which led all the way down to the waters edge.
 'Oh Alex,' is all the breathless woman of 5'4" could muster. Hugging herself as Alex spread the blanket and places the basket atop.
 Alex moves behind Audrey's slight frame and wraps his arms around her, trapping her arms to her ample chest. Breathing in the scent of sun, outdoors, and floral shampoo, Alex peers at the weeping willows that were so desparatly reaching for a kiss from the waters surface.
 Turning Audrey to face him, he leans down, bringing his hand up to her jaw he guides her beautiful lips to his. Vlaiming her completely, he sucks at her bottom lip, sliding his hand from her jaw, Alex traces the line of her collar bone tot he collar of her tank top. Pushing his tongue through her lips to delve into the velvetty warmth of Audrey's mouth. He plays his fingers down her spine, as his other hand moves over her firm abdomen, and under her shirt to feel the skin. So soft.
  He pulls his head out of the kiss and looks into her fiery, usually calm, blue-green eyes.
*nbsp;'Not yet,' He breaths. Passion clouding his voice.
 Audreys eyes showing no decline in desire, show a flicker of disappointment that lasts just a moment.
 Leading her by the hand to the blanket, she sits crosslegged, seeming to see the layout for the first time.
 Alex opens the picnic basket and starts pulling out a feast fit for kings. Saying aloud every dish he pulls out. She scans the over-stuff your self goodness laid before her, 'No dessert?'
  Raising an eyebrow and a waggin finger, Alex reaches into the basket coyly. Seeing her girlish expression with eyes getting brighter, only makes the moment an everlasting memory. He reaches the pointing hand across the distance to entangle hair in fingers and pull her into another, even more possesive, kiss.
 Diving into her pink, sweet, and caressing mouth with his tongue, causes his heart to leap to his throat. Still entangled fingers, pull a swollen-lipped and flushed Audrey, into better view. Examining every feature as if to commit it to memory.
 Taking a steadying breath he exclaims, 'Let's feast!'
  Feast they did, not just on food either. Their eyes feasted the view of each other, to the colorful flowers among the grass, stopping to watch the ripples of a fallen leaf on the water, to the green hills beyond and surrounding lovers pond, up the line of tormented weeping willows, to rest, yet again, in the pools of the other.
 The couples plates empty, Alex pulls a small cake made for two out of the basket. Covered in fluffy white frosting and a bold, green 'HAPPY ANNIVERSARY', Audrey looks from the cake to Alex as if to say 'That's it?'
 Shhing her unspoken words, Alex urges her to taste first, judge later.
 Feeding her a bite of the frostinged dark chocolate with his fingers, he watches her eyes light up with recognition.
 'Our wedding cake!!' Hugging him fiercly, she then treats him to the delicacy with her fingers. Taking the bite with his eyes half-closed, Alex caresses frosting off Audrey's fingers.Setting the unfinished cake aside, he encircles her wrist with a gentle hand.
 Alex slides his tongue over the topside of her finger and over the back of her hand. Audrey watches his tongue moving over her hand and pulls him for a kiss. Alex complies, releasing her wrist, he moves his fingers up her arm, across her shoulders, to her slender back.
 a whimper escapes Audrey at the contact of lips. Alex strokes her full bottom lip with a slight touch of his wet tongue. She breathes a caress across his face as he moves one hand to her hip and spreads the other across her slim back. Pulling her into him, Alex presses his tongue into hers. She loves his tongue with hers, stroking the underside, wrapping it in silky lips sucking gently. Tracing the lines around his tongue while his hand tightens on her side pulling her hips to him.
  Stopping the kiss, Alex pulls Audrey's breezy tank top off. Finding no bra to argue with brightens his eyes and smile. Leaning down, he teases her pearling dark nipples with loving flicks of his tongue. Pausing to knead her giving flesh in strong fingers before suckling each nipple in turn. Audrey grabs handfuls of his hair, pulling his head to her chest. Freeing himself, he holds her wrists behind her back, kneading the giving tissue of her breast, Alex distracts her with another breath taking kiss.
 Keeping hold of small wrists, his head ventures pecking kisses down her neck. He smothes the kneading hand from her quivering breast back to slim hip, following fingers with wet, sucking, kisses.
 Playing a coy tongue around a perfect navel, Alex executes the task of unbuttoning shorts molded to Audrey's impeccable hips and nethers. He looses the shorts from her shapley hips, leaving purple cotton panties.
  Glancing at this marvel, he sees her eyes closed but senses the urgency of her need. Not wanting to rush, Alex frees her hands grasping her hips with both of his, he takes purple cotton into his teeth and slides them to mid-thigh, exsposing her strip of wonderment, his petname since their first time. He grins with the thought and skips his tongue here and there at random.
 Audrey grabs fingers curled around her hips, and thrusts involuntarily. Licking his lips, he presses a hot tongue to her swollen clit. Reveling in the uprising of her hips, breath, and heart beat, he sucks on her button almost languidly.
 Curling her fingers more tightly around his, Audrey's lips cannot stifle a low moan. Returning her slight pressure, he wets the length of her slit with a curious tip of the tongue. Feeling her twinge and tasting her sex, Alex plunges his tongue into her silkiness.
  She thrusts up to greet his loving, he responds by massaging her inner mound with gentle prodding.
  'Alex!' She claims with another involuntay moan and thrust, 'Oh, God. There, right there!'
 Stretching his powerful tongue as deep into her as he can, Alex watches the flush creep over his wifes chest. Lapping at her cum, impassioned by her aftershocks, he slips his fingers from Audrey's weakened grasp to discard the purple cloth from neverending, very tan, and very fit legs.
 Spreading kisses from the insides of her thights, to her knees, Alex undoes his Levi's. Mouth stops to ponder at her wetness once more. Not bothering with his shirt, Alex trips himself of confining jeans and boxer briefs.
 Sucking the succulant taste of afterglow from her nipples, he eases himselfdown to her. Stopping just short of penetration, he looks down at her questioning.
  Knowing his need of it being alright, Audrey nods her assent, biting her full bottom lip. Alex braces himself on the knuckles of closed fists before entering her. He closes his eyes swearing a low curse.
  'Oh I forgot how good you feel,' He rasps before snaking halfway out. He thrusts, slamming the full impact of a hard and throbbing cock, straight into her middle.
  Audrey grabs the skin of his shoulders under his shirt, reddening skin but not breaking.Alex feels himself throbbing for release, but refuses to. Skin slickened with sweat, smotherd with more skin. Audreys grip on his shoulder blades strengthens, as does raspy panting.
  'I can't hold,' Audrey hushes him with a shake of her head.
 Strong will presided to keep him from exploding. Slow but stong, his thrusts caress her soul.She closes her eyes, putting her arms over her head, moving her hips with his.
 'Cum for me,' she pleads, her voice a whisper,'Cum with me!'this time a cry..
 Her swollen lips seem to swallow his cock as he thrusts as deep as he can. Letting his climax come, Alex falls to her chest. Filling her with a seemingly, neverending stream of his seed. Her aftershocks milking him even more..
 'I love you baby girl,' He breathes before mashing his lips with hers..
  Audrey places one hand on the back of Alex's head while slicking the other up his spine. She feels nothing but his last shudder, and a soft breeze. SHe hears hears the high grass and trees whispering, and the light laughter of the lakes waters lapping at the shore. Perhaps giving the patient willows their longed kisses. Sighing inwardly, Audreyagain sends silent thanks to the powers that brought her and Alex together..
 'Happy Anniversary, Alex,' she sighs when the kiss breaks..
 'Happy Anniversary,'He smiles mischeviously,'Just remember,'smile spreading into a grin, 'I love you.'
Before the word 'you' could leave his lips they simultaneously mash each others grins with the unfinished dessert.