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Theme song/the song she's seen humming or drumming is Escape From Hellview by C.K.Y.

Full Name: Angel Feliciano

Age: 18

Hobbies: Witchcraft, music, hanging out with buds, kicking people's asses.

Family: Her father Lucifer, and her mother, who died not too long ago. Some of her freinds she considers her sisters, but they aren't blood related.

Friends: Lightning Flash, Ocean Storm, Light of the Future, Snowflake Angel, Kayla the Dark, Midnight Babe, Veriana Ocara, Arctic Babe, Chip Zanuf, Chip Zanuf X, Zooth, Charlie the Playful, Alexa Mintalo, Naughty Desires[I think you said at one time I was your yeah...], and anyone else I forgot, please let me know so I can put your name up here!

Enemies: Dante666

Description: A tough looking feline pads in, taking a seat. Her crimson orbs gaze around the room. Her soft fur covers her body, ruby red markings found all along her curves. Her curls reach down to her back, the top half put into a neat bun with two loose strands. She wears a cream colored gloss on her lips, giving them en extra shine. She has a scar under her right eye from a fight with a dragon. She wears a short black skirt that clings tightly against her hips. A dark grey cloak covers her body, reaching past her feet. Underneath is a tight corset, enhancing her vulumptious breasts. The hood of her cloak covers her head, hiding her face.

Weapons: A small gun hidden on the inside of her black pants, her fists...they me...and a dagger that she carries in her pocket.


Witchcraft: This feline posses the power of witch craft. Knowing many spells, she uses them for good, and bad. Just depending on the situation she is in. [Please, don't beg for spells.]

Combat: Although she seems like a wimpy little kitten, this feline can kick ass, and has showed it. Don't bug her unless your ready for a can of 'whoop ass!'

Mind control: Although she is still learning how to control the minds of others, and how to read their thoughts, she will be great at it, so watch what you think around her.

The power of hell: Her daddy's Lucifer...she's got his power's too ya careful.

History: Angel’s my name, but don’t let that fool you. I have an interesting past…very different from most. You see, my mother and father met at a very interesting spot…very different from where your average lovebirds do. It was about the beginning of time…my father was going to a ceremony. A sacrifice of some sort. When he arrived, he was immediately sent to his seat, for the ceremony was to begin shortly. They said some words to the gods, and brought out the sacrifice. When they showed her to the crowd, my father fell in love. He immediately stood tall, telling them to stop. Of course he had to have a reason why, and he stated that the planets where not aligned. They listened, being that my father was a professional in this. The sacrifice was sent to the chambers until further notice. Later, my father had sneaked into the chambers to see her, maybe set her free. As he entered, he saw the most beautiful feline. She had beautiful gray eyes, and was therefore considered a freak. None other than Lucifer, my father, freed her that night. Afterwards, they spent many years together until they finally married. But one night…my father went to another of the sacrificial ceremonies. He took my mother with him. Being that she had not changed one bit since the last time the gods saw her, she was immediately imprisoned in the chambers. My father could do nothing to stop them, and she was killed… Forever my father regretted meeting her, for he knew she was to die before him. Because of what the gods did to him, he went through each of them. Or in other words, slowly and painfully killed them. This wasn’t too good…he killed over 50 gods…leading to only more trouble. He was killed, very…disturbingly. He was sent to hell, and soon took over. Therefore he is now Lucifer. I was a happy child, living with people who adopted me. Of course I didn’t know that until after my 16th birthday. I lived with them until they were shot. So I was out to fend for myself. I died shortly, being stabbed to death by a “boyfriend.” I was sent to hell for one reason or another. To my amazement, I met my father…Lucifer. I was sent back to Earth because my father couldn’t see me. I reminded him too much of my mother. Now I am an Angel…sent from Hell. I’m immortal and have no point in life. She cares much for many people in life, and will hurt those who try and harm them. Being immortal gives her the power of magick, and the power from Hell.