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The Two Not Wept For

We sit in judgment of wrongs, done by man
And call ourselves Christians, as we pray folded hands
The children that died, for thirteen we weep
And the two that did wrong, in prayer we don't keep

We need closure, is the cry that I hear
But for the two troubled youths, we shed not a tear
I have lost loved ones, and an anger I feel
An anger at God, to whom I pray and kneel

Why did He take them, I ask in my heart as it cries
I feel my soul shatter, as a loved one does die
And then in a moment, I realize my greed
God didn't kill them, for them He let His Son bleed

He bled on a cross, that man put in the ground
So that all the lost children, could one day be found
Eric and Dylan, were children of God
And now that they're gone, they share the same sod

The same earth holds them, as does the ones they destroyed
But when it comes time to mourn, for these two no tears are deployed
We say we can't weep, for the two troubled teens
Who stole our children from us, and also their dreams

Well here is reality, and this much I know
God loves His children and for all, His tears flow
They flow for the innocent, and for the ones who killed His Son
They flow for the aging, and for lives just begun

As you cry for the children, that suffered that day
Remember in your hearts, the Fifteen as you pray
Not just the innocent, but the two troubled lives
"The Two Not Wept For", for them God cries from the skies

James Dale Merwin      (FantmLord)
In memory of ALL the victims at Columbine

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