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The Waters of My Ship

In my ship of prosperity, many faces I see
In my ship filled with hurt, I see a few now with me
A few who belive, that I need someone to hold
For my journey is timeless, as my ship will toss and then roll

The faces in good times, are only few in my bad
The faces of friends, that I thought I once had
Soon now they wither, and fade in the gray
As I now sail my ship, of darkness their way

They jump from my boat, and swim for the shore
Not really caring, if they see me no more
My boat leaves the banks, a new jorney starts
And in this small jorney, Alone I do not embark

I leave with my friends, the friends that I came to know
Friends far away, but in my heart they do show
I feel not alone, as the waters churn bleak
And try to engulf me, My soul they do seek

My friends calm the waters, and set my path strait
To unforseen treasures, that to the hurting await
Treasures such as jewels, this box does not hold
This box holds a gift, more precious than gold

This box holds some names, and some dirty old keys
This box holds my friends, The ones I've never seen
Names such as Debbie, Joey and more 
The friends that stayed in my boat, from each of my shores

God Bless the friends, that have helped me to see
That a friend stays beside you, in times of hurt and prosperity
Thank you my friends, for your guidance and care
As my ship crosses these waters of pain, hurt and despair

James Merwin (FantmLord)
August 23rd 2000  11:58 pm

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