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Memories Lost (Memories of Pain)

Welcome back my long lost friend
To the corner of your mind
That hides the evil from days gone past 
And days we have yet to find

Dig around in the pile of memories faded 
Stir the ashes that you left behind
The ashes of sorrow and pain and regret 
The hurting past so easy to find

Moments of clarity shoot through your sight 
And leaves as fast as it came
We have all your days that are left in your life 
To finish this Hide and Seek game

Hide all the pain that you use to feel 
Hide the pain that still leaves its mark
Seek out the meaning of life if you will 
Seek out the lightness in dark

Come now to me and tell me again 
Just what you have in mind
Are you searching your past for memories lost 
Or just hoping new memories to find

No matter the outcome from your visit here 
No matter what memories you'll see
I will hold all of them in my nook in your head 
Until you come back to see me

James D. Merwin
April 17, 2000

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