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Hurt No More
(Manic Depression)

Spiraling, falling as fast as my mind will allow
Clutching on to anything that may help me
All of this I can see now is in vain, I wait
Wait for the inevitable crash with the bottom

My "UP" has gone, left me cold
Left me to fend for myself until once again the "LOW" will return
Can I wait for my phase of lucidity
Can I muster the strength to fight again

This is hell on earth, no demons visible to my eye
Demons in my mind rip and tear at my yesterdays
They fester on its sorrows and hurt
They carry with them what they can, to give to me

Am I not allowed to deny this, to flee for help
NO, as the only help I can see is shiny and thin
It summons me, calls me to its sharp edge
An edge that can solve my problems, do I listen

Fear, like that of the darkest nights has been exhumed
Taken from the graves of my past, borrowed for a time
Borrowed to let me know that I deserve this
I am the one who burried them, my demons are my fault

I can see now, I can see what must be done
I laugh with a lonely, sad, hurt and sorrowful tear in my eye
I rejoice as I feel the warmth of Life flow down my neck
I see my life dripping before me, I rejoice

Laughter now is certain, the laughter from me
Laughing at the demons that flow from me in drops of dark crimson
They fall and die as my life blood flows down my neck like a river
I am free, I am well, I am Safe and I Hurt No More

James Merwin
November 3rd 2:10pm

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