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Our Land

Just down the road....around the bend,
Lies a wonderful, scenic world, my friend.

From the Pacific Northwest to the Carolina shore,
Lie the Rockies, the plains and so much more.

From the Oregon coast to Chesapeake Bay,
Beauty unfolds before after day.

From California to old Cape Cod,
Lie the trails that our pioneer ancestors trod.

From Puget Sound to old Mexico,
The Pacific shore basks in the sunset's glow.

From Idaho and Montana to the Rio Grande,
Are deep canyons and deserts......a majestic land.

From the Dakotas to the Texas coastline,
There a huge plateau of grand design.

From Minnesota and Iowa to Galveston Bay,
The world's most productive farmlands lay.

From near Superior's shore to Lake Pontchatrain,
Flows the great river with it's massive flood plain.

From Vermont and New York to Mobile Bay,
The Appalachian Mountains will point the way.

From the tip of Maine to Florida's Key West,
You'll find this area too, has been truly blessed.

It's a wonderful world that knows no end,
Just down the road....around the bend.

By Vance Oliphant - Copyright 1999

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