Alias Fanfiction By Evonness

Welcome, fellow "Alias" addict! This page contains my fanfiction dedicated to that fantastic show. If you're an S/V shipper, this site is not for you. I am a complete S/S shipper. Long live Sarkney! Be advised that these stories are all rated R/NC-17 for language, violence and sexual content. Please feel free to send me feedback - I would love to hear your thoughts! Thanks and gratitude go out to my wonderful betas and friends: Tonia, Edele, Steph, Mnemosyne, Bek, Faith, Yumi, Alex, Emily, Amy and Melissa. Of course the biggest hugs and kisses are reserved for my big sis, the great and wonderful Carol Ann. Without these ladies none of these stories would exist, so thank them for whatever is good and blame me for whatever is bad!

The Fanfics

Dark Knight Part 1 - (Prologue-Chapter 11)
Dark Knight Part 2 - Work In Progress!
Salvation, Part 1 (Chapters 1-13)
Salvation, Part 2 (Chapters 14-26)
Stolen Moment
The Back Way
Intrustion - Beware, it's Sarkina!
Fallen - Sequel to Innocence
