
Michael Everett Jones

Imagine if you will, that to Heaven you went;
just for a day, and then back to earth you were sent.

What would you be like, how would you feel;
would it change your heart, ponder it if you will?

What would it be like, to see God in all His Glory;
would it change who you are, change your life’s story?

After you had seen colors, you had never seen;
after you had heard birds, your ears had never heard sing.

To have met all the believers, that were from the past; would it make your heart stop, make you stand fast?

To have been in God’s presence, to have seen Him smile; would it make you more forgiving, cause you to walk that extra mile?

Maybe you seen your child, heard their feet pitter patter; after witnessing that, would material things matter?

Against your face, to have felt the wind of Heaven;
could you come back here, and let your life be full of leaven?

To have seen the truth, what this life is really about;
would the things of this world, still carry as much clout?

For your eyes to have seen, a lion lay down with a lamb; could you keep your mouth closed, like the sea dwelling clam?

To have heard a voice behind you, to turn and see the King; could you come back to earth, and never say a thing?

What if He said, “Tell them I am coming, even at the door”; could you come back here, and not plead more and more?

Time – and to know that mankind is on the edge;
would you come back home and proclaim it, drive it in like a wedge?

The Bible says no ear has heard, nor eye seen;
but by His Spirit He has revealed unto us,…….everything.

Faith is how it happens, that is where it will start;
God will reveal all these things, down deep in your heart.

He will change your life, when you show Him you care; then your actions will be, just as if you had been there.

Copyright 2007 by Michael Everett Jones


Page by Darlene





Luvdalot Graphics & Design