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Name: Faisal AlSarraj

Class: English 308

Instructor: Holly Hammond



Status Report of the blind spot elimination project


Past project’s status:


The project of eliminating the blind spot in the car and making car driving safer started July 5, 2003. The first step was to collect data about the seriousness of the problem. I found out that an average of 60 kids get run over in their driveway by cars. I also found out that 80 percent of accidents on the road are caused by the blind spot.


On July 6, 2003 I found some sources about the problem I also analyzed some of the devices used to solve the blind spot problem.  New cars today use some of these devices. These cars either use a sensor or a camera.


July 10, 2003: Data was collected to measure the extent of the efficiency of the sensor and camera. It was found that the sensor was in a very early stage of efficiency. The camera was more efficient than the sensor.


July 20, 2003 a proposal has been sent to Ford Motor Company explaining the seriousness of the problem. A letter has been sent to the government to propose a grant for the first company that decides to do intensive research on the blind spot problem.


Today’s Project status:


Today August 3, 2003 Ford Motor Company safety representative was contacted and that he scheduled an appointment for me to meet him.  The project of “blind spot elimination” is at stage four. Stage four consists of providing Ford Motor Company with the safety data collected by the research teams. The research teams were working on data collecting for the last month. These data will be sent to Ford Motor Company representative to analysis. The Company will make prototypes of the new devices on prototype cars. The company will also test the cars in Detroit, Michigan.


Future Project Work:

            On August 7, 2003 the government will be contacted to get some funds to promote the research. Ford Motor Company will receive the grant to help with their safety measures and improve SUV’s safety.

On August 10, 2003 Ford Motor Company will test the equipments in all weather and gather the durability data. These data will be handed to their safety department and the financial department.

            On August 12, 2003 they will install the first devices on a production car. The car that will be used is going to be one of their SUVs.

            On August 20, 2003 a production line will be installed at the main factory in Detroit, Michigan. Depending on the data and price will determine which device will be used.

            On August 31, 2003 the final data have been collected on safety. There will be five production line installed in North America and Europe. The project will be at the end. Hopefully with Ford Motor Company installing all the blind spot devices, this will lead all competitors to provide these safety measures. Also by this time, the government should have passed a policy to mandate all car manufactures to install some sort of blind spot device.