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Faisal AlSarraj

Project Proposal

English 308



The problem that arises in cars and one of the main cause of accidents is the “blind spot”. The blind spot has been one of the main concerns of car manufacturers. They tried almost every possible solution with several devices. Most of these devices somewhat eliminate the blind spot and help to maximize the back view. I am trying to find the best device to use and the most effective in eliminating the blind spot. I have been working in car designs for some time and trying to improve safety in cars. A lot of people these days get into accidents because of the negligence of the “blind spot” in the car. I received a lot of damaged cars to do an analysis of the cause of accident, and by far the most common reason is the blind spot.



I made a research to see what the main cause of car accidents is these days. I ended up finding that the main cause is the “Blind spot”, either while changing lanes or while driving in reverse. 80% of car accidents were cause by the blind spot. I found out that there are several devices that might eliminate this big problem.

One device is the sensor; the sensor only works while driving in reverse and helps to eliminate running over and object or a kid. This device gives a beep when close to hitting an object but quick reflection from the driver is needed.

Another device is to install a camera in the back. The camera will be hooked to the monitor inside the car. This device is more effective in preventing accidents but the cost of the device is high. The main problem of this device is the distraction while driving. The driver has to take his eyes of the road to look in the monitor and this causes accidents.


Introduction to the problem:

The blind spot is and area behind the car that the drive can not see even with the use of mirrors. Longer cars like pick up trucks have bigger blind spots than family sedans. When a driver switches lanes to the right or the left he has the angles between 240 and 300 degrees blind from the view. So if there is a car in that area passing or at the same speed and the main car changes lanes there is a big chance of an accident.

People dealt with this problem since the creation of cars. Back in the days, drivers had to twist their head when changing lanes or when going backward. Then came the installation of mirrors in the car, which helped to minimize the twisting. Drivers started to depend on the mirrors for their view but the mirrors do not show everything, from this arouse the problem of the blind spot.

Car manufactures worked together to have a solution to end this problem. On of the first devices used was a sensor in the bumper that warns the driver if there is an object behind the car. Today’s cars have a camera installed in the rear to give the driver a view of the back. There is research going on in car labs today to find even a better device for the future.



Discussion of the program:

            My research is gathered from data that is from the internet which I compare to the actual data collected by car manufacturers. I also will rely on interview with one of the major car companies in the United States. I will be comparing all the data to find the best device to use. Actual numbers from the government and stats will also help this research. Chatting on the internet would give me random opinions on the blind spot devices, ask questions about those devices, and make decision on what the people prefer to see in their car.


Possible Ways to fix the problem:   

            There are several ways to fix the “blind spot” problem. One way as mentioned before is to improve the sensor system that is currently used in some cars. The new sensor system will have a wider range and maybe the ability to brake the car if there is an object in the back. Another device that might be used is the camera, improving the camera to rotate instead of having it still might improve the safety. More lab work must be made to gather more information on the camera. The other option is to incorporate the two devices; this will help increase the safety in the road and hopefully prevent accidents.