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                                                Faisal AlSarraj

                                       4731 E. calle cabo   

                                                Tucson, AZ, 85750

                                                  (520) 360 3223


July 27, 2003


Mr. James Smith

NASA international

8451 E. Main St.

Houston, TX, 12345


Dear Mr. Smith,


It is the positive research and work done by NASA international that appeals so much to me. As an international research engineer I would promote the international funds for research and help accelerate your research projects.


While I am receiving my education in mechanical engineering, I would like to get an interne ship in your prestige company and provide the necessary effort to promote the new “Mars spaceship project” across the world. I have substantial experience in fundraising and upholding projects. As a fraternity member I provided my help to raise funds for our fraternity house and activities.


I traveled across the world from Europe to Asia; I would be a good asset to the company promoting NASA in these regions. I also could speak and write in four languages which will help me and you achieve success in those regions. 


Can you schedule me a time to speak with you either on the phone or an interview?  I would give your assistant a call within the next few days to see an open time to speak with you.


Thank you


Faisal AlSarraj


Enclosure: Resume