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           Car safety: eliminating the blind spot





               Feasibility Report to FORD Company   





                                          Faisal AlSarraj


























Table of Contents: 

     devices on the cars:                                                                  5

·        The overall increase of car prices and government policy:           5

·        The main target consumers:                                                       5












Why am I trying to find the best solution for the blind spot?

            When you are driving on the road you will notice that you don’t have the full view behind you. This obstruction of view is called the “blind spot”. The blind spot causes a lot of accidents in the cities all around the world. It provides a hide for an entire car and this causes the accidents. Researchers tried since the 80’s to find a solution for this big problem. Nowadays there are several equipments that can be installed on the car to help minimize or eliminate this problem. The research that I am conducting consists of trying to find which of these equipments is the more practical to use. Getting the right devices on the cars will help prevent death and accidents.


The use of a camera in the rear:

          One option is to install A camera in the rear of the car. It would be installed on the bumper of inside the rear window. This camera will have to ability to move up and down, and side to side. The Camera will also need a monitor on the dashboard of the car the turns on when on reverse of when driving down the street. The driver will have the ability to rotate the camera from the inside will the use of a joystick. This Camera would be tested to use on your FORD cars within the next few weeks. This camera will cost from 2,500 dollars to 5,000 dollars. This price will include all the necessary wires and equipments like the monitor and joystick. The monitor can also be hooked to a GPS navigation system. These prices do not include labor and taxes.




The use of a sensory device with a monitor:

          The second option is to use the sensory device. This device will also include a monitor. The monitor will be used also as a GPS navigation system. The cost of this device ranges from 3,000$ to 5,000$. The monitor of this device will show diagrams of objects that are is it range. If the is a kid behind the car the device will sound an alarm and show the kid on the screen as a human. If there is a car behind is will show the exact distance from the car and the shape of the car. This device will also have a distance warning. The object’s diagram will be blue if it is at a safe distance and will turn red if it is about to get hit. This device will be mounted within the next few weeks for testing on the new cars.


The cost and amount of Labor needed for research:

             There will be several man power included in this project. The research team where they will be analyzing these devices and collecting data. The data will be about the efficiency of the devices. There will be four research workers on each device. These researchers will gather the data within a month. Each researcher will be paid about 5,000$ a month. This will total around 40,000$ for the research teams.





The cost and amount of labor needed to install the devices on the cars:

          There will be an added section to the production line in every factory around the

country. This line will include the installation of the exterior equipments and the interior. The line will cost around 100,000$ for the fives factories around the country and in Europe. On each of these lines there will be five workers. One of these workers will be an electrician. The wages of the four mechanics will be around 7$/hr and the wage of the electrician will be around 10$/hr.


The overall increase of car prices and government policy:

          From the data gathered the whole project will make car prices to increase about 7,000 dollars. These devices will help saves lives. The government is looking into mandating that all car manufactures install a “blind spot” device.  Being the first company to install these devices on all cars will help your reputation.


The main target consumers:

These devices can be introduced to the customer as publicity for safety. Having your customers happy with the safety will increase the car purchases.  These ads can be aimed at families and middle age workers. Providing safety to you costumer will help increase their loyalty to FORD Motor Company.  FORD will have the best safety ranking all over the country and this will help bring in new loyal costumers.


