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The pale white sphere
Shines without fear
The bright silver ball
Will only fall
When the morning light
Breaks through the night

I feel so strange
Now and then
No emotion ever stated
I want to cry but I'm too mad
And I'm the opposite of elated
I guess I just feel empty inside
Longing for something unknown
I'll never find it until someday
Someday when it can't hide

Insomnia, insomnia
Eating away at my brain
Insomnia, insomnia
Causing annoying pain
My thoughts won't cease
I need some peace
Will this insomnia ever decrease?
Insomnia, insomnia
Won't you ever let me be?
Insomnia, insomnia
I guess I'll just sleep and see

Angry and Apathetic
I don't hate life
I don't love life
Why does it matter so much?

Whether I'm fine
Whether I'm nice
Whether I'm polite or mean

I trudge through school all day long
It's not the happiest I could be
I go home and stay in my room
Hoping no one will bother me

My parents ask questions:
How was school?
How are you?
What's wrong?

My basic answers:

So what if I don't want to tell them how
I just don't feel the same
So what if I stay in my room
Hoping for peace and happiness

They try to help
All they do is make it worse
I wish they'd just stay out of my life
And let me be alive

I don't hate life
I don't love life
I guess I'm just growing up
Is being angry and apathetic the way I'm supposed to be?

To Them (I got this published in A Celebration of Young Poets)
I cried and cried and cried and cried
I told them I knew it wasn't my fault
I told them I still loved them
I told them it was all ok

I was so sad
But I was so mad
I loved them, yet I hated them
I laughed with them, yet I cried with them

I tried not to act like I loved
One more than the other
I tried to be nice to them
Not thinking about what they did to me

They made me angry
They hurt and betrayed me
But I guess they're happy now
So does it really matter how I feel?

Sometimes I seen invisible
A presence only exhibited by the expelling carbon
dioxide Sometimes I almost crave attention
But slink into my room, sad and upset
It seems like I don't exist
A waste of skin and muscle
Everyone's apathetic and hateful
And I'm obviously invisible

They Think I'm Crazy
People think I'm crazy
I talk to myself
I have an invisible friend
Bob thinks I'm nice

Kids think I'm crazy
I push an "empty" swing
I argue with myself
And never know if I've won

Now I've gone to the hospital
The "nut house", the "looney bin"
I'm in a comfy cell
It's nice and padded

Bob has a thought:
"Maybe the insane people are sane
And the sane people are insane"
I argue with myself about believing that

I like being "crazy"
My cell is comfy
My strait jacket is warm
They're the crazy ones

Sometimes I hate people
Sometimes people are so stupid
Sometimes I want to kill people
Or I just want to be alone

Sometimes my family is so overwhelming
They won't go away or leave me alone
They don't understand
I feel so alone

Sometimes my friends don't notice
That I'm not like them
I feel so different
I am alone

The War of Labels
There are so many labels
Prep, freak, jock, punk, goth, wannabe
Talk about overwhelming

People are so hung up on clothes and appearance
They judge people by their looks
They don't get to know people

If you wear this you're that
If you do that you're this
People are so judgmental

I try to stay away from them
But I can't do it
The labels can never die

There are fights
Preps vs. freaks, jocks vs. punks
And of course more

The invincible labels always come back
Maybe someday, sometime
This hellish war of labels will end

Summer is upon us
Summer and its fun
And laziness
And possibilities

The stifling heat
Or humid thunderstorms
The burning sun
Or the cool clouds

The warm air at night
Sleeping outside
Or staying up all night
And watching the sun rise

Then the summer ends
School, books, and new clothes
Teachers, bells, and P.E.
Autumn is upon us

I Want to Cry
Sometimes I want to cry
I don't know why
I just want to rid myself
Of this heavy emotion that is unnamed

I want to watch sad movies
Or listen to sad songs
Or think about loved ones dying
Just so I will cry

This want mystifies me
Why do I want to cry?
I don't want to hurt
I don't want pain

Sometimes I'd like to be numb
Or maybe even dead
Just so I can't feel
So I won't want to cry

I'd Like to...
Sometimes I'd like to
Just disappear and leave this

The people here exhaust me
With their stupidity and fears
I want to kill sometimes
To relieve my headache

The boys hurt me
And make me hate
I want to torture them
To amuse my mind

I'd like to
And just permanently

You're just lying there
In a nice outfit
With lipstick that's too dark
And clear nail polish

You don't look like you
You look unhappy
With your mouth turned down
I can't stand it

So many people are saying
So many nice things about you
Because you were so nice
And positive, always seeing the bright side

You don't look like my grandma
You're just her body, her shell
Her soul is gone, free
Free from the hospital bed and oxygen mask

I cry
I'm happy you feel no pain
You went peacefully
But I cry

I can't believe you're gone
I'll never see you again
I'll never hear you're voice
I can't believe you're dead

Self Esteem
You make me feel things
Sometimes I feel good
I think good things
Sometimes I feel bad
I think I'm so utterly alone

Sometimes you make me feel like crying
So many times I want to crawl into darkness and die
It seems so much easier
Than feeling the other emotions presented

I don't affect you at all
It seems
You don't care if I'm there
Or if I'm gone

If I died you wouldn't be bothered
You'd go on with your life
Missing something you can't think of
You make my self esteem waiver

Why do you do this to me?
You don't even know
That I feel this way
You killed me

Pain and Emotions
This lump in my throat
Is growing large
I almost can't breathe
Hold in the tears
For a couple more minutes
Until you leave
It seems that you hate me
Despite you're words
You get angry and yell
But when my tears come
You realize what's been done
And you apologize
Hoping it will make it all go away
But I still have your painful words
They'll be with me always

Your ego inflates your head
Like a balloon
I'd like to grab a needle
And shove it through your face
Your touches make me heart swell
It's like a pinata
Then you easily swing your bat
And my heart is broken
I'm up then down
Like a kite
But you but the string
And I fall down, down, down...
Isn't it sad how similes
Represent my feelings
I'm a popped balloon, a broken pinata, a lifeless kite
And you're just as peachy as ever

Crying Again
I'm crying again
Almost for now reason
Except the big reasons
That I can't forget
My friends won't stop changing
They pretend they're things
They're not
My sister is going crazy
Her words jab me sharply inside
She doesn't seem herself
Why can't people be who they
Really are?
Why is the human race
So vile?
I'm crying again
My tears don't stop
All these disturbing reasons
Cloud my low-hung head
This life is so tiring
I just need some sleep
Just a little sleep from this
All this crying again

I haven't seen you
For too long
I want to talk to you
To laugh with you
To lay with you
I need to be near you
To touch you
To feel you
My brain is melting
My heart is ripping
Come heal me
Be with me
Lay with me
Feel me deep in your heart
Deep where the best things
Are hidden
I haven't seen you
For too long

The swells of my heart
Are becoming too much to bear
I can't go on like this
We can't go on alone
Bring us together
Or I might not be there
When you decide to come around
To cut the string I'm dangling from
Where you're holding me
Like your puppet
To amuse you when your ego
Has suffered a blow
Is together right?
My heart is out on the line
To sacrifice for you

Boys Just Suck!
I'm sick of this
Being played like one of your
Fucking video games
I though we'd be
Everyone did
It seemed like you did too
But then one night
Your lips found another
While I was away
And now I know we won't
But I also know that
When you're done
It will start
I'll go crawling back
Just to get punched again
I know

She cried
It wasn't even to her face
He pretended nothing was wrong
Then he gave it to her
She wanted to apologize
We told her no
She loves him
But what is love?
Is it leaving your friends
Or changing yourself for him
Or not saying how things really make you feel
If it is...