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*** Home Away from Home ***
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I have made approximately a billion webpages. It all started when someone told me I could actually have space on the web for FREE. Thanks, Angelfire. Anyway, it all began with my Titanic obsession and from there I continued to teach myself more and more HTML, attempting to improve with every new page.

I am not sure if I have accomplished anything amazing with this site, and even if nobody reads it, it is still fun for me to maintain (or at least try to).

So here's to a new semester and a new webpage. Hopefully it will be all I dream it to be. Yeah right. My semester shouldn't be too terribly busy so maybe I can update often.

My classes this semester are Chem 2, Intro to Biomolecular Engineering/Biotechnology, Calc 2, Africa and the West, and Beginning Ballet. And I am making an effort to attend as many hockey games as possible. Go terriers!

Don't cry because it's over,

smile because it happened.

If you're looking for the January Webfeis Special, its here!