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Kevin Brian Wright


The Pen & Quill

The Blood Of Life She was born from the fortunate womb of mother earth. It was the day when loves inevitable assault struck my heart with a piercing arrow. Where cupids hands veiled in flames, first strung up his bow. She is the breath of life, the breath I inhale, the air I hold in and never breathe out. The greatest good of this world is the greatest good to come. Bound with a greater chain of beauty. I shall come for hire before her like a celestial dove, perched upon the branches of heaven. To hold her close in loves sweet nest. I among her am the immortal pilot of the sun. Where here eyes are the passageway of steady rays filtered through the windows of my impassioned soul. Where every fallen angel who only bares one wing she takes up in arms and lifts them toward the sky. Her loveliness is but the beginning where the beginning has no end and her loveliness is perfection. She is of infinite providence, God sent in an image of a mortal woman. But yet in the form of a venerable spirit.
