charlie iz a jerk and wont let me use iz scanner... ohh wait here is a crapy pic of me .. yay for that.
Wait yeah, that wasn't me but close enough

Here is a real me.. i think

Whoa, whats with my right eye, the two white things, kinda freaky...

Ahh me again... NOOO

Again with the freakyness in my eye.. not kewl

here is me getting ready to shoot you in the face

here is me shooting you in the face

Na' that wasn't me, but your still being shot in the face, and Legolas kicks ass!

I like to call this one.... FOOOOOOOD

Yeah this is me and the sister

This was the day i needed a hair cut... wait i still do

Here is some brotherly love

I was shaving and mom was like Ahh HA!

Yeah this isn't me...Its umm someone elses butt