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Penname: Ligeia Magi
Orgin of penname: "Ligeia" by Edgar Allan Poe and Magi as in the magicians.
Marital Status: Very much taken.
Influences: 80s thrash metal. Edgar Allan Poe, John Keats, Robert Frost <3, and of course Emily Dickenson.

Most of these poems are written in a little journal under my penname. Some of these are editted. If you want to know more about me write to me. I'm kind of keeping my privacy on this site some but my identity isn't a huge secret. I kind of keep to myself these days. I sit in my room and write, draw, listen to music. I do it all for me. I'm a major introvert and the only person who really understands how I work is my boyfriend. I don't know how he does it but I think he knows me better than I do. He's my best friend, my companion, my lover, and my closest confident. I tell him everything and he never forgets anything I say. Plus, he always supports me in everything I do and keeps me out of trouble.

Here's some fun quizes I took a long time ago but never put up here: Quiz Results

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