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Hey everyone. Heya Kiddies!!! Yea guess what? I've finally changed my page around again. I dyed my hair so check it out. Just click the pretty rose!

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Poems 1

Poems 2

FrIeNds PaGeS:

There Words

There's nothing like missing you,
sitting, lonely, heartbroken in two.
There's nothing like missing this,
like a big warm hug or a little kiss.
There's nothing like missing out,
on time with you, that's no doubt.
There's nothing like missing how,
much you make me smile now.
There's nothing like missing when,
I get to see you before ten.
There's nothing like missing days,
where I go without your ways.
There's nothing like missing you,
when the skies are bare, pale, and blue.

Words can hurt, words can break,
a heart in two, it can take,
take a soul and rip it in two,
Sometimes there's nothing you can do.
but sit beside them and pray,
That in the end they'll be ok.
The tears that fall down their face,
no matter what u do a hug cant replace,
The words that pierced through their soul,
deepening their worst fears into a hole.
Shaking every nerve beneath their feet,
til their eyes swell up in their sleep.
Let them weep let them cry,
if you dont they just might die.
They'll come around when the day is through,
you did your job and they will love you.
Bye Love Inside

Something keeps me from letting go,
maybe it's the pain that i let show.
This addiction for pain is slowly fading,
over my life, my soul, it's raining.
I can't find the door away from the dark,
it's holding me in and tearing me apart.
I'm so tired of being nothing but a friend,
but I will be one until the end.
Because he's all I want and all I need,
I'd do anything, eager to please.
This F***ing world hates me I swear,
I hate you "love". Don't even dare.
To ever find me again, go away,
from now on I no longer need you this way.

The things I want to say would cut him deep,
it might even ruin the friendship we keep.
But I'm not sure if this is something I should hide,
if I do I'll only lose my pride.
I forgot how to be on my own,
for it's something I haven't known.
Known long enough in this place I see,
that appears right in front of me.
Every night before I sleep,
I hold back those tears i weep.
for if I cry I'm as weak as he,
and there's no way I can let this beat me.
I will swallow hard til' it passes down,
over my cheeks and across my frown.
That will not allow me to smile now,
Like I've managed to do somehow.