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In accordance with all rules and regulations set forth by your internet service provider as of your sign up date, you and all affiliated parties acknowlegde that there may be content of questionable nature displayed on this web site, and that if you or any of your affiliated parties may or will feel offended from its politically incorrect nature and subversive messages, please leave this site now. By continuing to view this web site, you agree that you are not violating and rules and or criterion set forth by your community and or place of residence. By continuing to view this web site, you are also expected to be responsible in your conduct, and negligent of malicious behavior will not be tolerated, as you must bear in mind that during your stay here, you will be expected to bear the rammifications of your actions, as it is not the responsibility of the Youth In Asia Network, this web site's server, or the author's to do so. By continuing, you are accepting full, encompassing responsibility for your conduct and not that of this site's creators of affiliated parties. While viewing this site, certain images may be tempting to plunder for your own personal use or profit. Whether the use is public or private, for profit or merely for asthetic value, reproducing the images and or text within this site is prohibited under any and all circumstances unless written consent is obtained by the author of the material in question. If you choose, by your own volition to violate these simple regulations, legal action(s) will follow, and the authors will press for maximum charges against the violator, i.e. you. Please understand, that the author(s) of this web site have no intentions of causing bodily damage or destruction of property to any individual or group. More importantly, the author(s) of this site and artwork do not condone wanton bloodshed and or any other form of violence, nor do the parties in questions uphold Satanistic theology, practices, or values. If you choose not to consume warm fluids and excrete solid waste, you are nothing more than a mere lint shifter. If you choose to consume solid waste and excrete warm liquids, you are a SHIT EATER.