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Earthsong05's Fiction Archive

I've gotten bored recently and have begun searching for fanfic on the web. I started out just searching for Cats fanfic, but slowly it's spread to just about anything. So I decided to try and write some of my own. I mean, I have good ideas too! So I'm starting this web page to showcase not only my fanfics, but also the other stories, poems, short plays, etc. that I write. Who knows, maybe someday I'll take other people's fiction to put up here, but for now, I'm working on getting my own! So anyway, there's no particular theme to this, it's really just for my own enjoyment! So please, read and enjoy! I will accept any and all critics I don;t care if you flame. I'm big on free speech! Don't worry about my name. If you wish to address me, you may call me, "Earthsong05" it's the penname I ue at all the fanfic archives I belong to. It's my Jellcle name. For those of you who haven't seen Cats, Jellicle names are the secret names of cats, but not my effiable name, it's not the same thing! --Earthsong05

Links to my stories:

The Library

Why Claculus Sucks:
