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Inspirations From With In

The Helper

Even in our darkest hour,
upon which when we have no power,
when things seem dull and gray
and there seems that there is no way,
we need not fear
for He is near.
Always there to show the way,
leading us yet to another day.

E. A. Baldinger
Copyright ©2002 E. A. Baldinger

The Current of Life

In life we have two choices...
we can either go with the flow
or rush against the current.
To go with the flow one accepts things as they are, good and bad.
They do the minimum just to stay a float.
They unfortunately flow only down stream.
If one choses to rush against the current,
they always strive to do good in the world.
Always fighting for what is right and just,
sometimes upsetting the waters around them
but eventually ending up on higher ground.

E. A. Baldinger
Copyright ©2002 E. A. Baldinger

Without Evidence (Part One)

I look upon the midnight air,
only to see that there is no one there.
Looking into the darkness of the night,
I fear nothing nor fill with fright.
Even as blackness fills the air,
I feel a sense that someones there.
Outstretched arms of kindness and compassion ease my fright,
though I see no one, even when I look with all my might.
I look upon the sightless air,
wondering if there is anyone there.
As the darkness turns to light,
there is no one in my sight.
Yet I look into the clearing air,
and I know that HE is there.
Even though no sign shines bright,
I know that I am right.

E. A. Baldinger
Copyright ©2002 E. A. Baldinger

Without Evidence: Save the Men of Understanding (Part2)

Now the evidence appears so clear,
and I realize it's always been near.
The sun, the moon, the stars shine bright.
The clear evidence is in their light.
Once my eyes blinded to the evidence in sight;
my haert now fills with the rejoice of delight.
For the evidence is all around,
and a great knowledge to be found.
For men of understanding flourish,
and the blind men perish.
So will you meet your demise,
or will you now realize,
The greatest success of a man it is not in his power or his wealth.
It is in his knowledge that there is one greater than himself.

E. A. Baldinger
Copyright ©2002 E. A. Baldinger

Disbandment of Tears and Sorrow

Do not cry
when I die.
Shed not one solitary tear,
for there is nothing left to fear.
No pain nor torment should you feel;
when before my God I kneel.
Let no tears fill your eyes,
for I have not met my demise.
My spirit and loving memory
etched in your heart will always be.
Let your tears abate
because for you I wait
So feel no aching sorrow,
for you will see me but tomorrow.
For I have traveled my many miles,
And now I wish only for your smiles.

E. A. Baldinger
Copyright ©2002 E. A. Baldinger

Oft Forgotten Scribe

The body is but a vessel of the soul,
and one needs not see the body to see the soul.
Life is but a substantial test,
and the vessel is the pen by which the answers are wrote.
The vessel may not always know the journey it embarks,
for the soul guides it.
But when tragedy befalls it;
the vessel meets its demise,
and returns home again.
Various parts, arms and legs, bare witness,
as the black box of one's life.

E. A. Baldinger
Copyright ©2002 E. A. Baldinger

Mirror Image of Me

Sometimes I find myself feeling
like a duck in the desert;
drowning in a mirage of sandy people,
thirsty for a drop of rain.
Like a birthday candle in a dark abyss,
surrounded by nothiningness;
its light, little as it may be, still shines.
Like a star sparkling in the deep of night,
bright and brilliant,
but no more destinguishable than any other.

E. A. Baldinger
Copyright ©2002 E. A. Baldinger

Truth Where Did You Go

Truth where did you go?
Don't you see how I needed you so.
You were here beside me always to guide,
and now it appears you have left my side.
I wanted to say I appreciate your honesty,
but before I could utter words of sincerity
you surely did depart.
And now, it is as if, I have lost my heart.
You made my answers so free.
I could just respond so easily.
But, now I often ponder what is the right.
Knowing that the truth has left my sight.
So easy to articulate false words
for simplistic rewards.
Truth where did you go?
This is one thing I wish to know.

E. A. Baldinger
Copyright ©2002 E. A. Baldinger

Let Me Be Your Garden

> Take me not as the prize rose,
a symbol of your brilliant collection.
For once cut I wilt and die.
But, let me be your garden,
take me with my many imperfect weeds.
Tend to me, nurture me, adore me,
and I will show you great splendor.
Take me as your garden;
show me the care and the devotion of love.
And I will be your paradise.
Let me be your garden.
Show me the tenderness of your touch
as it molds my beauty allowing me to grow.
Let me be your garden
your peace, your sweetness, your retreat.

E. A. Baldinger
Copyright ©2002 E. A. Baldinger

The Breaking Down of Walls and Fences

Love, the joining of two hearts, the breaking down of walls & fences;
the complete and utter loss of all senses.
Love, it is the blind...
when not one error can you find.
Love, it is the weak...
when no other do you seek.
Love, it is the vulnerable...
when all is known, even the undesirable.
Love, it is the ache...
when you feel you make a mistake.
Love, it is a token...
when you wish no heart be broken.
Love, it is brighter than gold...
when you know it can not be bought or sold.
Love it is a simple truth...
when even you lose your youth.
Love, it is a strength...
when you know it would go to any length.
Love, is two hearts joining...
and breaking down all walls and fences.

E. A. Baldinger
Copyright ©2002 E. A. Baldinger

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