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Welcome to the adventures of Laverne and Shirly!

(Q) So who the heck is Laverne and Shirly?
(A) well.. just a couple "girls" that go to my school (u-town) that wanna be popular and they sure did devise a great plan to do it!

(Q) Whats the plan you ask?
(A) well.. its simple actually. its called Wh0ring around, BUT.. its a much more organized then your think they actually "invented" (more like STOLE) the idea from a well known movie, where a group of guys had a point system for scoring with chicks. well these two girls "Laverne" and "Shirly" are using a similar point system ( SO H0RNY GUYS GO DO THEM A FAVOR AND RACK UP THEIR POINTS!!! )

By now.. i bet you would really like to know who these girls are.. well i can tell you, but only partial names..
Keri F. and Erica R.
