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I have put many hours considering the the pros and cons of writing this page. Let me tell you a little about myself. I started dating my husband when i was 16. I became pregnant at 18. He joined the military. While in the military, he came home one time and i found a picture of him with a girl. It was not a big deal he was young i disregarded it. He said they were just friends. it was dropped. When i was three months pregnant my husband asked me to marry him. Being pregnant and from the projects i agreed, even though i felt that things were not quit right. I've always had the feeling something was not right. I decided to stay and make it work. I had two more children. By this time, i was going to a four year college getting A's and B's. I was on my last year of college when the feelings that i have always had became more intense. I would wake up and look around my room i felt as if someone had been there. A very strange feeling would come over me at times. I pushed the thought out of my head. One evening i was taking a bath and i noticed bruises on my body. They appeared to be finger prints. On my upper arms and upper thighs. A couple days later my husband seemed upset about something. He started drinking and i felt it was about a girl friend(because of things he said while drinking). I began to wonder, If he has this girl friend then why am i here? I began to really pay attention after this. If he does have this girlfriend then she has to come to our house while im gone or asleep because my husband does not go out much. I went to the store and put a tape recorded out. When i came home i thought for sure there will not be anything on it because my husband was laying on the couch asleep. The next day i decided what the heck i will turn it on. When i turned it on it sounded like my husband was having sex with someone inside my house. I confronted him he said it was a porn. Ive known this man for 15 years and i have never known him to go to sleep after watching a porn. He had been telling me he was going to the gym. I went to the gym to check. They said he was not a member there. The next time he said he was going to the gym i put a tape recorded in the car. On the tape, it sounded like he was having sex with some one in our car. When confronted he said they must have over looked his name at the gym and it must have been something else i heard on the tape. I do not believe him, i dont want to leave until i know what has been going on. one morning when i woke up i had a pressured feeling on my leg that evening it turned to a bruise which to me looked like finger prints. I put my stuff in the car and left that following morning, after husband went to work. I moved about three hours away from my home. After leaving, my husband told me i was wrong. I was imagining this stuff. He asked me to go out with him on new years ever i agreed. we got all dressed up and went out. He made me a drink before i left. When i arrived i drank two long island ice teas. While at the party i passed out at about 10 pm. I woke up the next day at about 9:00 am. I have no memory of the evening. When taking my shirt out of the dryer, i noticed something on it. When i looked closer, it looked like hand prints on it which looked like car grease prints. I kept the shirt. If i could catch him with this girl it would all make sense to me. I wanted to catch him. Another evening i drove 3 hours to visit him and he told me to leave, this was in the middle of the night. Another time when i arrived there unanounced, i was in the living room and heard a noise that sounded like a cough or sneeze. It came from the bedroom. I went in the bedroom and thought the cough came from the basement, which is connected to the room.(now i believe it came from the attic which is in that room also). After looking in the basement i came back up stairs and my husbands father had left. I believe he took this girl someplace. When confronted about a girlfriend He keeps insisting i am wrong about this. One evening, while walking through WAL-MART , me , my husband and our three children. I noticed a girl come up by us and and was walking beside my husband. They looked at each other as if they new each other. I noticed that they smiled at each other. I got to thinking about that incident and the picture of the girl from when we were first married. She looked like the girl in the picture that i had seen when we were first married. My husband always controlled the money. I was ok with this since he was the one who was going to work. Although i was working at home being a homemaker, mother and going to school part time. I suspect that they have been giving me something that ulters my memory and letting people do things sexually to me. I know this is hard to believe. It is true. If this is happening to me chances are it is happening to some other unsuspecting woman. If it is happening i want them caught. If it is not happening i am sorry, i will know that i need to look elsewhere for for some means to heal. I am talking to a psychologist about these issues. He has ran many tests on me. He could not find a problem. My psychiatrist thought maybe something traumatic in my early childhood could cause me to have these thoughts. I don't think so(I think i had a pretty good childhood). When i think something happen to me. I usually have a erie feeling and have bruising that appears to be hand prints. I need to find out what is going on, so i can go on with my life. For me and my children's well being,i need to hire a private investigator. They are expensive. If someone knows a private investigator who could donate their time, it would be appritated. If i don't receive enough funds to hire a private investigater, maybe i could get enough funds to buy some spy equipment. I need to figure this mystrey out. I am sure something is going on i am just not sure what. There has been too many things for this to just be my imagination. If anyone can help please do. Any donations will be greatly appritiated. I have never asked for donations, i just feel desperate at this point. Anyone who donates, i will keep you up to date on the case as much as i possibly can. If you would like to help please send donations to: JANET P.O BOX 14 AMESVILLE, OHIO 45722 (This is a friend of mine)(please leave room for last name on check). THANK YOU


