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Well,a webpage of mine.. Thanks for visiting.. Hmmmmm... There isn't that much in here but simple and quite complicated thoughts that are just overflowing in my mind...Sometimes I just feel so lonely that I badly needed someone to talk with.. The sad part is, I got nothing but the computer to accompany me in my loneliness... Being unable to control them inside, they are spilled off in this webpage.. =D Please do enjoy!!!

It's Good to be Bad!!! But it's Better to be Good.!! The YinYang within...
A Painting Painter

I love to write, a little.. But I'm never am good at words.. hahaha =) Hmmmmm.. If you have time, feel free to visit the links below..

Welcome po kau..!

THINGS ABOUT ME-the yinyang within..

My Positive side
D Negative side
  • I always try my best to make Friends-->
  • Kaso I dont tagad first.
  • Kamo lng gud say "hi" first, coz im dat Approachable-->
  • Kaso pipol think am not coz im a Loner.
  • Thou bein a Loner isnt that bad,coz u're always given the chance to meditate and reflect your past actions, without anyone disturbing you-->
  • d sad part s, I talk with my self. If pipol wud notice me talking wid myself,*awts* that wud be TROUBLESOME
  • I have three Personalities within(ako rai nakahbw,himo2 ra man gud) The 'jowker-cgeg katawa' me,the 'hilomon-serious' me and...-->
  • the 'maldito' me,if mo gawas na gai na c 'maldito' me, na ayaw nlng mo tagad nko kai na *tsk2* bad au ko. =(
  • pero i think i dont get angry dat easily,so rare ra au na mogawas ako third syd-->
  • ...
  • i lyk doin simple things 2 aders, things dat require not much of MONEY!-->
  • so, expect jud na if mohatag ko ug gift.hahahah barato ra jud na. =P
  • i lyk giving things na naa jud meaning,even f ako ihatag s a marble, i wud rili think beyond wat a marble cud b-->
  • kaso, others dont apprec8 it. Well, u cant please everybody..
  • i LOVE pipol hu apprec8 me.. =) those hu wud say 'thank you',even f how little u do 4 dem-->
  • kaso ma.concious q, i actuali dont know how i wud react, ma.Flatterd q i shud say.
  • WOW!! IT'S RARE 4 ME 2 SHARE..! hehehe=)

  • and lastly, i find 8 hard to find the right words 2 express things,so please give me the chance to say this.. "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"-->
  • metioning all d letters n d alphabet s all i cud do,please help me rearrange them that i may b able to say and express things.hehehehe (char2 pud nko da, sinuon ra diay 2 =P)
  • MOTTO n lyf: "You dont know where u r goin f u know GOD s leading.." =)

    My links:

    A Conflict/Crisis Management Style Test
    A Poet Within
    My Gallery
    My Old Hyskul Webpage

    I wish to hear comments from you..!! Please feel free to express..!! ArigatO Gozaimas..

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