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the layout . . .

well, i decided to make a random site just to post random things available to my random friends, and alas i randomly chose beramode! so... there it is in all it's glory, the endless blue. Kim you rock the socks of anyone who likes good art! Kim is the artist and character designer of War of Genesis and Magna Carta! So.. bow to him and that's about it.

nothing new . . .

Name : Kai
Alias : KK uh.. Kandum. x_x;;;
Age : 16
Height : 5'9"&3/4
Weight : I dunno
Hair : Black and stuff
Eyes : Tealish me thinks
Skin : It's all there..
Music : Punk / J-rock / Game & Anime music
Food : Anything meatless
E-mail : Make me smile   u.u;;;

just the norm . . .

Feel : Hate for Avril Lavigne 8D
Love : Nothin'
Hate : Commercials
Wearing : Wow... nice filler question. XD;
Need : Money       ><;
Kick : Jake, I dare you!
Hear : Anti-Flag - The Panama Deception

Tag Goes Here!

Saturday, December 14, 2002
Time :        Almost Five A.M.

The product of lack of sleep... ain't that a bitch? I get good ideas when I'm half asleep. Anyway... tell me how you guys like the layout when I get the tagger up and running, probably sometime on Sunday. This wont' be updated that much... probably. Here is a nice log I made while being bored, on AOL. Yay!!!! I know it's hard to see, but just highlight it until I get a scroll bar working.

Take in mind the title of this room is "Harry Potter RPG". The guys name has been edited so you don't stalk him, I have that big of a heart. <3 XD

Yrizen: hey
HarryPotter34#!:who r u? do u want to be malfoy?
Yrizen: sure cool
HarryPotter34#!:::stabs ogre with his wand:: come on draco help us
Yrizen: i cant ive got an old college knee injury
HarryPotter34#!: stop messin arund
HarryPotter34#!: around*
Online Host: BlahbIacksheep has entered the room.
Yrizen: sorry
HarryPotter34#!: u helpin or wut?
Yrizen: ill be in my trailer
HarryPotter34#!:ur not doin it right
Yrizen: bak
HarryPotter34#!: were did u go?
Yrizen: booted hey do u have the new harry potter lego set the castle 1?
HarryPotter34#!: ya
Yrizen: cool me too
HarryPotter34!#: i like da lil lego harry potter is funny my set is cool tho
Yrizen: mines better
HarryPotter34#!: why?
Yrizen: because i said it is
Online Host: HarryPotter34#! has left the room.